[b][i][u]Auror Dias Intermezzo
Location: Fleeting Memories School - Classroom[/u][/i][/b]

[b][i]BGM: Feeling Hi-Fi! still playing[/i][/b]

???: Good ol' Ted, always sleeping. Lucky Rayla's here to wake you up, I guess.

[i]A cheerful voice spoke from the classroom. He was rather known to be the class' "mascot", though he never minded much.[/i]

[i][b]Youthful Azure Circus Monster
Auror Dias Intermezzo[/b][/i]

Auror: I won't pry much, but I wonder how much you'll be able to keep up if you're always deprived of sleep. Makes me curious to know what do you do at night. I know limits so I won't ask.
Auror: In any case, did you guys hear? We might be getting transfer students on our class! Ain't that nice? We do need some new faces to make our class shine a little bit, right?

[b][i]Xaizor Arcadia and Marina Arcadia
Location: Fleeting Memories School - Fountain Square[/i][/b]

[i]He went out and rested at one of the stone benches. He looked at the skies and admired the vast blue that his eyes could see.[/i]

???: Ah, the sun's nice today. Yaaawn... time for a good before class rest-

[b][i]BGM: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wjzkI8F5V0]Joy (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3)[/url][/i][/b]

[i]Suddenly, from the fountain, two people were gushed out and thrown in the ground. The boy jumped in surprise.[/i]

Xaizor: Ow, my butt and my stomach...
Marina: T-This already means a bad start for us...
???: Holy shit, I never knew fountains could gush out people outta nowhere!
Xaizor: Marina, get offa me!!
Marina: O-Oh, apologies!

[i]She quickly got up and looked around, trying to get a feel from the ambience.[/i]

Marina: This looks like a school building...
Xaizor: Oh nice, the first thing Dad does is sending us to a school. Wonderful...
Marina: I am sure this was a coincidence...
???: Hey, you two over there!

[i]When they looked, someone else was there with them. Marina quickly began to panic as the boy walked towards them.[/i]

Marina: (O-Oh no, we were caught! Calm down... need to focus... but how am I going to explain this?)
???: That was awesome! You guys do magic tricks or something?
Xaizor: Well, it was magic literally. You see, we-
Marina: W-We were just practicing for a show! This is one... of our tricks.
Xaizor: Wait, what are you saying? Didn't we jump on a-
Marina: Q-Quiet, we cannot reveal our trick! *steps on Xaizor's foot*
???: Cool! So you can't tell me?
Marina: U-Unfortunately, I cannot. My sincere apologies.
???: Nah, it's fine. Anyway, you two students or something?
Xaizor: Eh? No. I'm Xaizor Arcadia and I'm a-
Marina: *pushes Xaizor away* A student of this school, just like me. I am his sister, Marina Arcadia.
???: Xaizor and Marina, huh? Nice names! By the way, I'm...

[b][i]Thoughtless Visionary Seeking the Space
Kaito Momota[/i][/b]

Kaito: And you may not believe me, but I'm a third-year.
Xaizor: Well, you do look old with that goatee.
Kaito: Hey, I'm not that old! And my goatee is style, so you better not badmouth it!
Marina: My apologies, Mr. Kaito. My brother can be a bit rude but he is a nice person sometimes.
Xaizor: What are you insinuating with "sometimes"?!
Marina: In any case, we both are starting today and we do not know where our classes are. Do you know someone who can guide us, Mr. Kaito?
Kaito: Hmm... I don't know if I can guide you, but I can take you to the faculty office. The teachers are there, so you might found out where your are.
Marina: That alone will suffice then. Thank you for your aid, Mr. Kaito.
Kaito: No problem! And hey, no need for the formal treatment! Just Kaito will do just fine.
Xaizor: OK, can we just get going and end this already? I have more things to do.
Marina: Just ignore him. Please, lead the way... umm, Kaito.

[i]Kaito beamed a smile, gave them a thumbs-up and began to proudly lead the way. And thus, Xaizor and Marina's expedition begins in school.[/i]