Thump. A sickening thump sounded out as the car collided Arthur, his body hitting the windscreen before rolling over the bonnet and hitting the floor. Screams came from all around, some louder then others as the car stopped suddenly, atop his small and frail form. The driver? His older sister. __ Arthur lay silent in the hospital bed. His chest was crushed, a lung punctured. Glass and dirt was embedded in various cuts, and his arm was being pinned and placed into a cast. The worst was his legs. One was so badly crushed and mangled, it had to be amputated whereas the other was fractured and would take months to heal properly, if it ever did. The spinal injuries had resulted in paralysis from the chest down, meaning he would only have use of his hands, arms and head. He would never walk again. Currently, he lay asleep and unmoving. He was hooked up to machines and wires, his left leg a bandaged stump and his body covered in bandages and plaster. He was lucky to be alive. __ So, I thought it'd be interesting to explore how she deals with the guilt, how he heals slowly overtime and the possibility she might not be allowed to see him ever again. Arthur is 14.