[hider=Eclipse][b]Name:[/b] Irie, Yasukazu [b]Alias in the DgtWld:[/b] Eclipse [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-Two [b]Average Appearance:[/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/bwZHnh3.png] [b]Corrector Appearance:[/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/W9qDy6r.png] [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Colour balls - The size of a fist, these are made out of digital 'paint' held in a thin transparent membrane. These spheres can be conjured and dissipated by Yasukazu mentally while in the DgtWld as a Corrector, making them appear on his palm or disappear with a mental signal. They are elastic until a certain amount of force is applied to them, most notably hitting another object after dropping or throwing them, or even poking it with something sharp at which point burst into a viscous goop and latches on to whatever it can. Comes in different hues, and each hue secrets unique effects upon bursting. This weapon can only conjure one colour each. Example being one blue, green, red and/or grey, but not two reds or two blues while the colour exists; it cannot be placed again until dissipating [or in red's case, after exploding]. [list] [*]Red - the offensive colour, latches on to an object and after a moment explodes.[/*] [*]Green - comes 'alive' upon bursting, becoming a green viscous 'rope' that binds around an object it came in contact with. Slicing and projectiles are ineffective against it [the 'rope' will slice or make a hole respectively but quickly mend itself] unless they are laced with powers such as fire or energy.[/*] [*]Blue - harmless explosion of blue, temporarily obstructing sensors, preventing wireless signals, sound or visual from passing through the blue.[/*] [*]Grey - the least viscous out of all the colours, almost liquid-like upon bursting. It seeps into whatever object it covers, leaving only its grey shade in its wake. The grey area receives an enhanced tolerance to being sliced, burnt, frozen or a massive exertion of force; a protective area, so to speak. Enough volume to cover Yasukazu's hands and forearms or feet/shoes and legs.[/*] [/list] Combat Skills - Decent physical ability from training, honed and working out every day once again in order to fight with Vs. Hand-to-hand combat will be his main skill while using the colour balls as a means to obstruct or distract the opponents just enough to land a finishing blow or similar. [b]Cell Phone[/b] [img=http://dailyfun.us/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/futuristic-watch-phones-3.jpeg] [b]Personality:[/b] +Adventurous +Energetic +Inquisitive +Patient -Opportunist -Resentful [youtube]5Q8V0rEsp4A[/youtube] [b]Background:[/b] The days before Yasukazu's fifth birthday is completely lost to him. Perhaps it was because of how memorable that day was; it was the first time he was allowed to throw a party with others of his age, it was the first time he went to the beach and it was the first time he received his very own phone. Or, perhaps, there weren't exactly anything worth remembering save for the same routine that he would find himself continuing for the next decade or so. The Irie family lived in the same place for countless years, running a dojo on the outskirts of Isesaki. Being the first and only child, his fate was as good as being decided the day he was born; his father, the master of the dojo back then, taught the young Yasukazu of the way of the martial arts from the moment he could sit. He learnt to throw punches before he could stand and taught to kick kicks before he could walk. Each day was filled with training and as if to show that he was truly the son of a martial artist family, he followed and enjoyed abiding to his father's teachings despite the exhaustion that followed every day. It didn't take him all that long to realize that it was the learning aspect that he actually enjoyed from all this, the right way to punch or how to kick efficiently and so on, evident by his growing reluctance to train as he grew up. Nonetheless martial arts became a natural part of his life as much as sleep and so he continued until a few years into primary school where he found something much greater than training. The catalyst came in the form of Inaba-sensei, Yasukazu's homeroom teacher. She was a [s]closet otaku[/s] woman who had an unhealthy obsession to the growing industry of cell phones which by itself was of no consequence; coincidentally one day she caught Yasukazu with his phone, the one he got for his fifth birthday. He didn't really used it all that often save for occasional games or calling friends and it was usually never taken out during class, but true to her passion Inaba managed to catch a glimpse of it being shuffled by the books in his bag as he was packing to go home and loomed over the boy in a heartbeat. She marveled and fawned over his phone, one of the earliest models of the new technology which she wasn't able to afford at the time of release, and opened the world of cell phone technology to Yasukazu. The boy absorbed all these new information like a sponge, phasing from wonder to amazement to reverence at hearing the complex and multitude of things cell phone industry had gone through, [not that he could understand anything apart from how amazing and complex it all was] how it could change the world and make it so much better. Finding a new wondrous topic of interest, Yasukazu unknowingly started to walk away from his family's path and training just enough to get by, spending more and more time at school with his teacher or at a library to research and talk about the growing technology and even trying out the programming tools his teacher had gathered in the past, not that he was capable of making anything. It ate into his training time which his father disapproved, but he managed to convince his father that studying is never bad, he got away with it for a time. This was when he realized that his father, while strict and a master in the ways of martial arts, was not very smart and easy to fool. Yasukazu made his first app during middle school together with Inaba who was no longer his teacher but a close acquaintance. It was a simple yet vibrant advertising and news feed for his father's dojo to announce when there are new sparring sessions or emergency cancellations and such going on as well as a communication system for prospective students. It was to test out his abilities before stepping into the real world as well as a plan to make his father see the greatness of the ever-growing, ever-changing technology, for he was no longer interested at all in inheriting the dojo as a master anymore. From then on he took on the challenge of creating an app that anyone could use, something he can show it to the world and show that he was more than worthy to enter a university specializing in software applications and cell phone technology. Something vibrant enough to catch one's eye, something simple yet complex enough to warrant curious glances from universities. Something he tried to create, with little success of getting even one step closer to his goal. It was around then, some time during high school, he received a curious phone call and an email that unlocked the doors to yet another aspect of the world he never dreamt he could ever visit in flesh and blood; the DgtWld. There was a whole new experience awaiting him which he had absolutely no reason to decline if he had the choice, and certainly well-timed; he was certain this would allow him to gather the information he would need to create amazing ultimate apps that no one could think of before. His time serving as a Corrector wasn't exactly filled with information gathering and such as he had hoped, though. Blacken, The DgtWld alias of the Corrector he was partnered with didn't make things any better, for he was quite square and made Yasukazu imagine him as a loyal dog to the Gvm that is unable to think for itself. Yasukazu might have have been able to cope with that some how but Blacken often got in his way because it would 'hinder the operation' some way. In return Yasukazu makes sure Blacken is miserable as much as he can. It also meant he wasn't able to make an app in time to appeal to the universities either, but that was fine; the steady income from being the Corrector was decent and for the time being he went into a random university nearby. He just needed to come up with something so marvelous the best of the best universities would kneel just to get him admitted and transfer there later. [/hider] [b]Requested information related to the role play:[/b] [list] [*][i]Do you want our characters to already know each other? [/i] -Yeah sure, I've read the past posts for a general understanding of the need.[/*] [*][i]Do you often frequent an OOC of a RP you're in?[/i] -I subscribe to the thread I submit a CS and check every single day if I'm not terribly sick or on a leave, etc. Keep in mind my timezone is GMT+10 so there's every chance I log on when it's sleep time in your timezone or something.[/*] [*][i]How active can you see yourself being in this RP?[/i] -Going to play safe and say at least once every two to three days.[/*] [*][i]Any questions you have for me?[/i] -Query about the setting. About MChips: "Should you wish to listen to music, it allows you to do so without even needing headphones, transmitting music directly to your brain without disturbing anyone around it". From the introduction: "they [cell phones of 2021] play music but this music is different, it can take people into a digital realm called the DgtWld". I'm probably over thinking this but I wanted to make sure. The 'music' which MChips emit does not allow the user to access the Internet. True or False? I made up my 'senior' Corrector, is that okay? If not I can change it. Are the Correctors restricted from using Cnnt to enter the DgtWld when they are not on duty? -Status of this role play. I saw that the date when this thread was created was roughly one month ago. What is the hold-up, real-life issues or incomplete character sheets? (or other?) -To be honest I have no idea if I am capable of Advanced Roleplay and this will be my first ARP thread. If you think I am not 'up to the standards', please be merciless in whipping me up to shape [s]I love being whipped[/s]. Also please leave no hesitation if I am deemed incapable of Advanced Roleplay, no hard feelings. I'd rather be kicked than mess up others' fun. If you'd like a role play sample that can easily be arranged also.[/*] [*][i]Future Genres: Do you want this to become post apoc and deal with time travel down the line? [/i] -I have a personal preference to type two dystopia settings which I can see this role play will fall into, if I'm not horribly mistaken of the direction this will take. In that sense I would rather if it does not evolve into a post-apocalyptic or type one dystopia setting if possible. I'm not going to suddenly quit the role play if it does however, so if post apoc and/or time travel is your cup of tea, go for it though.[/*] [*][i]RP Post Frequency: How often can you be active in the IC as well as the OOC? What should I expect from you?[/i] -IC: twice a week at least, if we're not waiting for someone to post or if my last post wasn't within the two most recent IC post. -OOC: every day/twodays depending on how busy I am. -You can expect me to notify on the OOC if i am going to be away or something and also see my siggy.[/*] [*][i]RP Post Amount: How much are you comfortable posting?[/i] -I'd say around two paragraphs excluding speech at least. I can however bump this up so if this seems a little lacking, just say so.[/*] [/list]