Celeste was quite bored. "*Sigh* I suppose I shall delve into the cards today..." Celeste walked through the halls of the kingdom, she was admiring the gothic arcitecture.. "The castle looks beautiful, as always" She gracefully walked to a small room the consisted of a crystal ball om a old wooden table. She raised her arms and chanted: "Oh spirits of the world beneath, give me answer by that of which I seek. Rise the bones of destiny, give me insight to the darkness on the kingdoms doorstep" Tarrot cards floated out of Celestias' sleeves, glowing a purple aura as they spun in the circling her crystal ball. There was a flash of light, the cards drifted back into her sleeves. "*Sigh* Nothing overlry interesting, perhaps I'll wonder through the kingdom grounds, until the Prince requires my assistance" Celeste exited the room giggling as she walked towards the kitchen to order her favourite drink, Royal Milk Tea.