@Kraux: Like I said in the spoilers, I'm open. If you'd like this to become something bigger I'd be comfortable with it taking more than a single post. If you go that route go all in, it's gotta be worth it! With the rolls, I usually make every roll a rule. I'll do a general roll and that sets the tone, in your case 4. Not too bad really, it would mean I had a shot to make it. From there I might roll once in a while to see if my attempts to do something a little flashy would turn out alright (say trying to nail two people with an arrow or something grabbing an assailant and shoving them into another). The minute you start re-rolling is when the dice no longer become a creative tool and more an excuse. Just keep it mind. @Beo & Kraux: You're welcome to team-post. In Apocalyptica we often write bits and pieces of a single post, meshing them together and one person just posting it up. It allows for both people to get a post in while covering way more ground than just two posts describing different sides of the exact same situation. Keep that in mind!