Sousuke trained and practiced, even managing to keep the Crossbone Joker from getting too beat up in the process. Even so, something nagged at him in the back of his mind. He had a gut feeling that an actual battle against Team Chaser wouldn't be nearly this simple. There was also the fact that it had been a year since Sousuke had seen any of the members, and so there was always the possibility that his information was outdated - that Chaser had since tweaked or even changed their overall strategy. Not likely, but still possible at least. Nanashi wanted to call it quits early so that they would have more time to accompany Sousuke. He silently returned the Joker to its Gunpla case and readjusted his hat. Only then did he finally speak, "It's not a something, but a some[i]one[/i]." he replied to Nanashi with what was admittedly a cryptic explanation, "Right, looks like for today [i]we[/i] have somewhere to be..." That somewhere wasn't actually that far away. More specifically, a general hospital a few blocks away from the school. Sousuke led them inside and up a few floors. Eventually they reached a specific room from which a nurse emerged, "Ah, Sousuke!" she said with a greeting bow, "We just finished treatment for the day, so he's petty antsy to see you." with that she walked away to continue her duties elsewhere. With a gesture to the others, Sousuke opened the door and led them inside. There they found a boy sitting upright in the hospital bed. There was a clear family resemblance between him and Sousuke. The boy also had a shaved head, a clothed wrapped gently around it. There was a nearby white board with some basic information about him written on it. Namely, it specified that he was currently undergoing treatment for Leukemia. His name was also written there, but Sousuke was quick to speak up. "You wanted to meet them, Shouji, so here they are. Ichikawa High Gunpla Battle Club, Team..." he paused, then gave Nanashi a jab in the shoulder, "Hey, 2nd Year, you never gave us a name yet!" "2nd Year?" asked the boy, Shouji, who suddenly gave a warm smile, "That must make you the infamous Nanashi Kanzen. Not many people can get under Sousuke's skin like you did you know." Sousuke looked away a moment, then back at everyone, "That's Shouji Kikkawa, my kid brother... and the Crossbone Joker's chief builder and designer."