
Spook sighed in relief as no one noticed the blood stain forming on her pant leg, and slipped whatever it was she had grabbed back under her cloak.  The event soon ended, and Prophet was quick to steal the limelight and proclaim himself as their savior, their guardian angel through this journey.  Halfway through, she tuned him out and began to worry if she'd be able to contain herself down the road between him and the extended contact with whatever that event was.  She was snapped out of her thoughts quickly though, as the aforementioned madman jumped and stomped on the ground.  In response, she crossed her arms and dropped her head into her left hand.  [color=CAC100]"I have a name, Mr. Insanity.  It's Spook, and I promise you, it'll be me pulling you out of the fire, not the other way around."[/color]  She shook her head and paced off to the side, wondering exactly how they'd survive him.

There was good company in the others, however.  Isis seemed professional enough and beyond capable, she must've been if a Duvari that size was listening to her, and Reed looked like he had seen his fair share of hot zones.  Overall, she liked their odds, even if half the team was there for research purposes.

The call was given for the team to mount up, and Spook meandered for a short moment, patting herself down to make sure she didn't forget anything in the rush.  [color=CAC100]"Sword... check.  SMG... check.  Pistol... check.  Journal... not check!"[/color]  She looked up from what appeared to be her cloak and scanned the area for it, promptly retracing her steps in her head.  She remembered setting it down on one of the crates, and luckily enough spotted it as it was being loaded onto the rear transport.  Without hesitation, she jogged up to the container and snatched the book off the top of it, tucking it into her cloak.  The enigma then got out of the way as quickly as she had gotten into it, making her way onto a transport and making it a point to slip into a seat beside Castan.  [color=CAC100]"You're our biologist, right?  If you need someone to scribe for you, I gladly will."[/color]  Without a proper introduction, she pulled out the journal and thumbed to the middle of it, opening to a page half-covered in mediocre sketches.  The other half had various notes written in small, neat print.

Spook had some time to kill, so she set to updating a page about Duvari.  [color=CAC100]"My name's Vitra, by the way.  Everyone calls me Spook, however.  Sorry for being so sudden, I've just been interested in monsters for awhile, and you're the first proper researcher I've been able to talk to."[/color]  She didn't look up from the page as she spoke, though her tone suggested genuine intrigue.