[b][i]EFG Curious; cargo bay[/i][/b]

“Commander! Are you certain this is wise?” The XO asked as she followed Astra to her quarters where the commander was putting on her custom designed heavy exo suit. She was adamant at making the contact herself. Her curiosity demanded satisfaction. That, and her abilities might just allow her to understand the aliens without having to learn their method of communication - or so she and few other boffins theorized.

“It’s wiser than what they are doing - they took the gamble of getting into our ship, despite seeing just how quickly we can reposition. For what they know, this is a trap and we want to capture them. But considering nobody fired a round yet, I’m rather hopeful. In any case, we’ll need to start up an information exchange manually, and that requires a meeting of people, not destroyers.” Astra explained, sealing the helmet over her head and turning her visor opaque. “Have a security team ready behind the door, and be prepared to raise the shield and jump out on moments notice.”

With that, Astra stepped into the cargo bay and shut the door behind her, just as the alien shuttle poked its rear through the tight fit of the airlock. She wondered at the sight - it looked utilitarian, not as much as a Faira craft would, but close enough - but it also spotted what she thought were aerofoils. It would appear these people were still blessed with a planet to call their own, and it also told her that they most likely required atmosphere for some of their biological functions. Until she knew though, Astra left the cargo bay evacuated and the gravity on zero.

[b][i]ED Explorer; Other side of the Exodus-Unknown jump node[/i][/b]

“They are doing what?” the Admiral boomed as soon as the message was relayed to her. [i]Stars damn it Astra, you’re as bad a talker as I am, could you not have sent[/i] anyone [i]else to make the contact?[/i] “Spool up the drive, but do not jump through without a request form the other side. If we spooked the aliens, they might just open fire. And somebody message Faira’Hexus to haul ass and get to the node!” Summoning one of the viewing holograms, she pulled the image of the alien ship, trying to guess at it'S capabilities, and whether something bigger could be expected from these people.