Lise scratched her head as she watched the showdown unfold before her. She had barely managed to learn the names of her classmates, so she was fairly lost at all the new faces currently squaring up before her. However, Andreim gave her the impression that they were dangerous enough to warrant keeping a guard up. Lise summoned two maids to her side, just in case, and studied the situation. "[color=pink]What should we do about this...?[/color]" Lise muttered to no one in particular. It seemed fairly simple at first, Kath being angry at the man. But then someone else appeared from thin air and appeared to have created a three-way crossfire. Or something like that. '[color=lightpink]If a fight actually broke out right now, I don't think I'd know what to actually do. Staying close to Kath would burn, and I'm not sure what the other two are doing, or what their abilities are, at all. I should just follow Andreim's lead.[/color]' Lise was glad that she finally found someone able to recognize her status as royalty - Andreim proved to be a trustworthy guard so far. Trusting him for this fight seemed like a safe move.