[@Kho], reading your draft OP for Divinus Lite, I have some feedback: [list] [*]I quite like the idea of all unspent Might being lost at each Turn change. This encourages people to spend, which is what we want in Divinus Lite. [*]However, if we have such a mechanic, then requiring that people spend [i]all[/i] their Might the previous Turn to be allowed to Level up might be redundant and onerous. Also, Might spent on Levelling Up would count for Might spent, so it doesn't fix too much except for finding a way to get rid of the loose change. (But if you want to keep it, that's fine too. It does ensure that only active players get to level up.) [*]TiPis are not necessary (unless you allow them to be stockpiled, but that would cause confusion). They are really just 0.25 Might which can't be used for Might-only actions. They may as well be omitted from Divinus Lite, and you just replace their function with fractional Might expenditure (like we have been doing anyway). Having a single currency is far simpler than having two. [*]Avatar costs have been changed. Current costs go 1-2-4-8-12-16-20-etc, not simply doubling. This is because we decided that the benefit provided by more Avatars is far closer to linear than exponential. [*]I've always found the wording of the worshipper mechanics for Demigods a little cumbersome and somewhat vague, especially with the scaling ratios. A simpler phrasing would be: Demigods get 1 Might Recuperation for every 1000 Worshippers, up to a cap of 4 Might Recuperation. [*]If we want to ever do a cross-over between Divinus Mk.2 and Divinus Lite, then I suggest that we keep the Primordials the same between the two. [*]Do we want to reduce the Khookie cost for levelling up Heroes, to be in line with the reduced Khookies per post? [*]More details on quests. Quests could be set by GMs. Gods could also spend Might to create a quest which some Heroes could complete. The prize for the quest should be more efficient than simply spending Might to Level Up the Heroes. Unless you want to allow Gods to create quests for free, in which case we would have to specify a limit such as only one active quest per God, and you can only create one quest per Turn. We would have to ensure that quests meet some minimum standard of difficulty, so they cannot be abused to rapidly level up Heroes. We can permit a quest to be completed multiple times if that is within the parameters of the quest, although each Hero can only claim the prize once. Multiple Heroes working together to complete a quest all gain the full prize. It must be specified that all Heroes have the opportunity to learn of the existence of a quest (via rumours, legends, proclamations, visions, etc.); no secret/private quests allowed. [/list]