[quote=@Double Capybara] While brooding over Holy Sites as a structure like Ilu, Tek, Jvan and others use, I came up with another proto-idea. What if there were two types of Holy Site? One that gives might (temples for worshipers and such) and one that gives free actions / 0 might actions, so say, as the god of plants, you would always need to spend might creating plants (unlike the current system where plant creation can be justified as a free action if you have the plants domain) unless you spend some might creating the Gardens of Somewheria which would give you the free actions. [/quote] Do we want to conflate Holy Sites with portfolios though? I feel like the portfolio system is fairly robust, moreso even than the actual levelling system. I'd rather keep it and Holy Sites separate. [quote=@Double Capybara] Also, if its a quick play sort of thing with "jump-in" mechanics, just ditch free points in their current form. [/quote] nuuuhh uh. Free points aren't good because they're free, they're good because they're fractional Might, for smaller actions. They can quantify say, multiple branches of spells going into one magical revelation, or multiple techs going into a tech revolution, or multiple species going into an ecosystem. We just need a better name for them than '0.25 Might'. [quote=@Double Capybara] No need for a strong god/demi-god division too, tbh, the level catch-up is already such a large gap. [/quote] True.