Termite just hit the nail there with the contrivances about Logos and Xos; I brought that up on Discord with Kho, but he's a dummy with all the wrong opinions. You know what? I'll just repost what I said to him in Discord in case anybody wants my two cents. [hider=Not formatting this, sry] ooh bbeast has good ideas yes, he hit the mark with worshipers fueling holy sites Although I didn't emphasize it enough though, I still think gods should be much weaker Kho - Today at 7:09 PM BBeast's idea is perfect and gods are fine dammit Cyclone - Today at 7:09 PM I hink gods should be put more on par with what our more powerful demigods are at and demigods at the power level of heroes Kho - Today at 7:09 PM hmmn but why? There's no problem with them as they are Cyclone - Today at 7:09 PM and then their individual destructive capacity is more limited yes, there definitely is gods are too powerful in this Divinus Kho - Today at 7:09 PM it's a GOD RP Cyclone - Today at 7:09 PM It creates issues of immersion when our gods are so blatantly restrained Kho - Today at 7:09 PM not a superhero RP Cyclone - Today at 7:10 PM I can name two particular times where gods were too powerful to the detriment of plot Kho - Today at 7:10 PM in Mk.II?(edited) Cyclone - Today at 7:10 PM One: When Logos invaded Galbar, in reality he could have just made a black hole and devoured the entire planet. Dawn even said as much in the OOC and nobody questioned it The god of physics was capable of creating planets and certianly destroying them too, it's just for OOC metagamey reasons that Logos held back and only brought a FRACTION of his Realta Two: Almost all of the Xos posts Xos doesn't really give a shit, and has an obscenely powerful weapon He could probably blow up Galbar's solar system It's hard to justify why he doesn't My excuse is that he cares about Zeph's djinn Think about it this way Kho - Today at 7:12 PM Even if he did try to do that, a simple flick of the wrist from Vowzra and a bit of Might expenditure from the others would put a stop to it Cyclone - Today at 7:12 PM If gods become more on par with demigods, it's also more interesting Kho - Today at 7:13 PM all the gods are OP Cyclone - Today at 7:13 PM pause that line of thought to respond to you Kho - Today at 7:13 PM meaning none are Cyclone - Today at 7:13 PM How can Vowzra stop a 40MP weapon being wielded by a god of entropy and utter destruction whose mere aura annihilates matter? See that's like sending an 18 wheeler into a headon collision with another 18 wheeler Kho - Today at 7:14 PM Vowzra is a god of Time. He would do it in the same way he stopped Perfectus Cyclone - Today at 7:14 PM the momentum maybe cancels out, but the resulting crash still kills every other cra around them lol You sucked up a moon through a portal How can you stop a death laser? What happens when Xos just tries again two seconds later? It's not like his Primordial Spark has a battery Kho - Today at 7:15 PM Xos sends destructo beam at solar system - Vowzra pauses Time - everyone gathers around and stops laser beam, beat up Xos - Time resumes Cyclone - Today at 7:15 PM It's a silly mechanic Kho - Today at 7:16 PM stop twisting and turning, no one is OP, the gods are fine Cyclone - Today at 7:16 PM You know, I'm seeing that this difference in design philosophy is such that my vision just does not align with yours you keep the Divinus brand if you beat me to the mark Kho - Today at 7:16 PM you want to create a Dominions RP, not Divinus Cyclone - Today at 7:16 PM (You probably will, I'm awfully tempted to just until summer break in a month or two) Yeah more or less Kho - Today at 7:16 PM then create a Dominions RP[/hider] And now I'll be bowing out of this conversation because I think Kho was right when he said that I'm not even imagining a Divinus-lite so much as a Dominions RP anymore :lol