I completely agree with Termite's idea to start with some (a lot) of groundwork in place. Let there be some world already in existence, but let it be full of monsters and chaos and have no (or minimal) civilization to begin with. [quote=@Antarctic Termite] I think so long as there is Might, Domain (Portfolios), Holy Sites, and Heroes, it'll be Divinus at heart. Leaving behind Fate and the Right Hand is the only real departure from formula we've discussed so far. [/quote] Yeah even those core things like Domain(Portfolio) are not beyond Cyclone's criticisms. If in the creation of this thinned Divinus all my wants were placated, there would be no resemblance. I would get rid of domains and make it just portfolios as part of the effort to weaken gods, and I would also remove the arbitrary limits like the one that bars adopting two conflicting portfolios. In mythology there are examples of what we'd call contrasting portfolios; see Ishtar, the goddess of love and war. In my view there's a few core features, without which I'd not be interested in the spinoff: -Weaker gods, one par with some of the stronger demigods in this RP. Like, a particularly destructive god might be a huge dragon or something, but not a divine force capable of obliterating planets. The most powerful gods of creation should maybe raise mountains overnight, but not continents. -A preexisting world -More emphasis on mortals and worshipers; BBeast's idea about maintaining holy sites strikes a chord with me -NO AMUL'SHARAR AND FATE, OR A RENAMED CLONE THAT'S THE SAME THING. Everything else is negotiable.