[quote=@BBeast] I concur that Gods have too much destructive potential as-is and their restraint is built upon contrivance and player consensus. We can not assume any of these things will be present in Divinus Lite. Even rules-as-written, a God can create a star for 2 MP in Divinus Lite, which would nuke a planet in a heart-beat. It was suggested, and I agree with this, that Gods are to be far more creative beings than destructive beings. Specify explicitly that Might can only be used to create things, and that it cannot be directly used to destroy things; no nuking things, no dropping moons on people, no conjuring black holes next to planets, etc. This should help curb destructive behaviour and encourage creative solutions to conflicts. How to handle powerful weapons is another matter though. Weapons are technically created, which means they are valid in a system where Might can only be used to create things, yet they can still be obscenely destructive if you invest enough Might into them. The no-MP-hoarding system helps mitigate the strength of weapons which can be created. We could set a hard limit on the power of divine weapons, such that they can't reach WMD power. We could specify that any uses of WMDs need to allow a response from the other players. Or, alternatively, we could do away entirely with the concept of investing lots of Might into a single item (as Termite originally proposed). A divine weapon costs a flat 1 MP to build (as a blessed item). You could spend another 1 MP to add a different function to it, or build another divine weapon. But at no point would you be able to build a 25 MP death-ray. Spending lots of MP on a single item was never in the rules-as-written, but we've house-ruled it in anyway. Divinus Lite should explicitly specify that you can't dump more Might on a single item/action to make it more powerful. [/quote] I advocate to place no limits on how MP can be used (at least in terms of destruction vs creation; I actually sort of like discouraging the dumping of tons of MP into singular things, even as I am by far the worst offender of this in Divinus :lol ). The reasoning is because if we curb the power of gods down to a more reasonable level, where we have things more on par with demigods or the Maiar, this will sort itself out. A very destructive god would either just be a big dragon like Smaug (or some other cliche like a huge monster that wants to eat everything) that could destroy things directly but without being literally unstoppable, or they could sacrifice spending their energy and power on a physical form in order to be more like Sauron in that they corrupt and subjugate other beings to work their will. I'd like the variety between the two archetypes.