I don't see why to erase Fate, to be honest, its just backstory, backdrop, what is gained by removing it? I always kinda liked how all Divinus worlds were connected. [quote=@Cyclone] Yeah even those core things like Domain(Portfolio) are not beyond Cyclone's criticisms. If in the creation of this thinned Divinus all my wants were placated, there would be no resemblance. I would get rid of domains and make it just portfolios as part of the effort to weaken gods, and I would also remove the arbitrary limits like the one that bars adopting two conflicting portfolios. In mythology there are examples of what we'd call contrasting portfolios; see Ishtar, the goddess of love and war. [/quote] I like Domains, it allows Portfolios to be more creative and adds some sort of cohesion to the god. I had legitimate fun thinking of alternate Portfolios to the classic ones with a Beauty spin to it, and I found the way other players did the same to be neat.