[quote=@Cyclone]A more sandboxy and free feel as well as freedom from a vague backstory that I'm not all that fond of. GM intervention would be a last resort in my idealized vision; for the most part, if one god is being overly destructive and a dick, I think that it should fall to the other players to stop him. If nobody does, then he rampages and run loose. Only if the story is utterly stagnating or something extreme happens (ie alliance of chaos gods threatening to scour all of creation) should some ex nihilo event need to happen with GM intervention. Because we'd plan on trying to avoid the need for such things, I dislike having the Primordial Beings primed and loomed over us like a bucket of water rigged to the top of a door.[/quote] I can see the appeal there. As a player driven RP, it should be up to the players to keep the other player characters in check. This is, indeed, what we have been doing all along. In that sense, the Primordials are unnecessary. As for your other points, I think you have identified the key question: what is to be the design philosophy behind Divinus Lite (or whatever we end up calling it)? Do we want to stay true to the style of the original Divinus, with Gods being transcendental beings who predate all mortal civilisation in a fully customised world? Or do we want to create a different flavour of god RP, as you are suggesting? Ultimately, these choices come down to whoever actually decides to run such an RP. On a more mechanical thought: for Divinus Lite, I think we can streamline the ascension from Demigodhood to Godhood more (P.S. Termite already pointed out that this needed doing). As it stands, there are two tiers of players: those who were here at the start, and those who came later. This helps maintain consistency in the Divinus IC canon, where it would be weird if new fully-fledged gods kept appearing and disappearing, but it can be relaxed in Divinus Lite. A Demigod can basically be considered as a probationary god in this context. If the player sticks around for long enough to level up a bit, then they receive the privilege of becoming a full god. On the other hand, if the player drops out soon after joining, then only a demigod is lost and not a proper god. This probationary period allows the character to smoothly enter into the pantheon. Perhaps the threshold for ascending to godhood can be reduced to, say, Level 6 or 7. We can retain the Might gained from worshippers, since obtaining worshippers requires roleplaying and that should be encouraged especially in the newer players. Also, all this talk of Divinus Lite has made me start thinking about how it could be adapted to a tabletop setting... [hider=Tabletop Divinus] To be played with a group of friends. Because you are all present in person, and all action is done live, and the story is all player-driven, you don't need a GM to coordinate things. No GM needed. A story-driven RPG, inspired by the likes of Polaris and Microscope (and of course Divinus itself). No dice needed. You will need paper to write stuff down. Conflict resolution is to be roleplayed out. If no agreement can be reached, then the other players at the table are to arbitrate, based on factors described in actual Divinus rules. Mechanically this game is very similar to Divinus Lite as proposed by Kho so far. There will be Might, and Turns, and Levels, and Heroes, and Holy Sites, etc. The game is played by going around the table and asking each player what they want to do. They can do up to one action, then they move on to the next player (passing is allowed). You go around like this until everyone has spent all their Might or nobody wants to do anything any more. You then progress to the next Turn. The trick will be ensuring we have enough roleplaying for this to be more than a world-building simulator. Perhaps, whenever a Hero, Avatar, or notable mortal does something, or whenever your God interacts directly with the people in the world or the other Gods, the players at the table have to roleplay a scene (similar to Microscope, except we have more recurring and personal characters, like Polaris). [/hider]