[quote=@Kho] In line with BBeast's suggestion that 'the threshold for ascending to godhood can be reduced to, say, Level 6 or 7', I've edited it in the proposed OP to level 6. [/quote] I'm opposed to general concept of demigodhood, tbh. Having an established bank of creations and a few extra levels beside should be enough. We can say that divine power really comes into its own around levels three or four, or such. Our starting gods do tend to disappear too, after all. I also think it would be better if new characters could choose their own manner of entry. They could be a product of creation by another god or gods, but there should be the option for them to be imported from another universe or spontaneously generated a la the first few gods. What I had in mind is that Mater Lei* has access to many 'doors' of some kind, or pools or dreams or whatever, in her headquarters**, from which both the first and any other truly newborn gods can emerge in a manner entirely of their own choosing. From there she can do the routine of either filling them in or sending them off into the tutelage of another god, allowing elder-younger relationships to form even if players don't have the plot-space to give birth (though I'd definitely miss it if that stopped altogether). *looking back, naming and characterising her before we had any kind of vision for this project was a massive mistake **if we want to have a Right Hand that's accessible but not overly active, putting her on the map in a literal sense could be a good move.