[quote=@Antarctic Termite] Haven't read the draft OP yet, but I'd like to raise that some gods will play cautiously with their Might simply because they don't know when they next need it, even if they're active, in which case we shouldn't punish them for actively choosing to stay quiet. Also, losing excess Might at the end of the turn is also incentive to try and level up with your spare Might if you have it, and it's enough. I think the Might cap / Might expiry should be merged into a simple [code]cap = 2 x Might per turn[/code] rule. That way you can still save a little, if you feel like playing that way. I also would still like to keep the level-up-available-if-Might-is-spent rule, amended somehow, maybe so that Might spent on levelling doesn't count. [/quote] [s]I don't think it's so much punishment as just recognising the fast-paced nature of a free section RP. If a person wants more Might to play with per turn, they just need to level up a few times and that more or less balances out the issue of not having sufficient Might. As Turn turnover will be quicker (likely weekly, if not even faster) losing unspent Might shouldn't be that great of a blow. Another way we can do this is have the Might cap much lower - e.g. level 1-5 gods have a Might cap of 10, level 6-10 a cap of 20, 10-15 of 30 etc. So Might transfers over, but there is a lower cap, and the level-up-available-if-Might-is-spent rule can be maintained.[/s]