The day has come...the world is ending...the servers are shutting down. Yggdrasil has come to an end. The The De Ordine Imperii has come to an end at last after so many years of fighting, and dying by each others side so many times over. Through years this guild has lost friends, and gained new ones. Fought for each other, and died by their creed. Mors Inimicos Nostros...that was the rallying cry of Doux as he created the guild. Players, NPCs, and all assorted raids it didn't matter! The world of Yggdrasil was not going to crush them! Together they struggled! It was the experience of their brotherhood that the people of the guild found their strength to keep going! Real world distractions, and struggles put to the side for the sake of completing the next big raid! The next grind! 

...But now even the last Guild Master...their Basileus...MaxUltra has vanished unable to come online one last time. And thus the duty of closing up shop has fallen onto Greyedout senior officer to the group. As the world begins to end he has put their soldiers in their place, the npcs to guard their stations, and has welcomed back old players, and new to celebrate their journey that is now coming to an end. Max wanted a big party. A party to show off how great everyone was for their troubles. But Grey had decided not to stop just right there. He invited everyone who wished to come to Arce Bellum as guests to spend time with like minded individuals. It was an ending to things he may as well share the joys of it with others. Some guilds probably were having secluded parties but The De Ordine Imperri was build on the trust that all players could fight together. And so at least this way they won't need to have their avatars 'die' alone. 

Grey himself sat in the grand hall where the party was being hosted by the maids, and butlers of the group. Doux initially had something more roman in mind but the third guild leader TimelessOcelot had the design changed as not everyone was so gun-ho about the overtly Roman/Greek design aesthetics of the first guild leader. Grey Beard helped design the characters here for the most part. Well shielded in dwarven silver armors, and thick steel. The grand wide white hallway housed large tables, strange paintings, and various decorative fakes of weapons stored in the guild's depths. The guild bank had received large donations from its player base when the announcement to close the servers was sent out.  Many players quit, and the guild rank plummeted. Now as he looked around he saw the beautiful face of his NPC Yuna playing in the corner in her armor. She was playing music along with a few dozen soldiers from one of the OST themes.


Yuna was his first NPC he made...and he'd miss her. She was useful in combat, and being a Templar she fared well with magical weapons, and items. Able to use many sorts of magics she proved invaluable to him. The head butler Marcus was set on a routine to fetch food, and the like. He was made by TwelveFingeredSaint who he remembered as one of Greybeard's old friends. Grey Beard was more than just a founder he was a man everyone loved. A great roleplayer, and a greater story teller he was only matched in those regards as a great friend. Grey hoped he would meet him again some day but he had lost contact with him outside. 

Looking down at his armor he sighed he'd never see this glorious white steel again. This gold trim, and the strong features. It had served him unspeakably well in his duty as tank for raids. He wanted to do this one last time. He sighed but did not look sad as BigArmedBillster, a male human War Mage, looked over to him and smiled. He was one of the newer recruits but he was one of the few who actually showed up. [b]"You know Grey....I'm really going to miss all of this. Hanging out with you, and the was a dream. But like all things it has to come to an end right?"[/b] the young man said as Grey nodded back at him as he looked down on his plate and ate a bit of the food in front of him. It was a formality but he'd like to roleplay...after all it was still a party. [color=7ea7d8]"Not all things...but some will inevitably. I just wish we had more time..."[/color] Grey replied with a smile and a nod towards Bill.

There were a few other guild mates wandering around saying their goodbyes. But some of them were logging off after finishing them. Apparently some were having second thoughts now or something needed their attention. According to Comradechannel, one of the older guild mates, BorntoBeBad couldn't arrive work needed his attention apparently. It saddened him but at the same time having one of the few people here who achieved the wizard rank of World Disaster would be a bit intimidating to some people. Especially since he was one of the founders, and a renown player. Their best wizard for the longest time...He wondered if anyone was off training with the guys in the duel arena, or wandering around inspecting the npcs? Most people seemed to be here in the halls...he'd hate to miss people but if they wanted to look around they were free too...under limits even now certain areas were restricted to non-guild members like the throne room, and treasure rooms. It was also set so that no players may take items that were not designated as ok by Grey. This wasn't a raid after all but the white heart of their guild...

(for purposes of putting a picture to words imagine something like this)