[center][h3]Aymiria Unalim[/h3] [sub]Bride of Zakroti Unalim [@darkwolf687] and sister-bride to Aurora Liesma [@WeepingLiberty][/sub][/center] To say Miry had been glued to Zak's side would have been an understatement. After the.... conversation with the elderly warlord, she had not broken contact with him for more than a few moments for the entire day. Always her hand was on his arm, or sometimes on his thigh, or her arm around his waist- and infuriatingly his attention seemed everywhere but on her. They had returned to their balcony after the fight, and she'd seen the massive disappointment flick across Zak's face as he realized the whore was no longer there- it was soon replaced by a pensive expression, but she could tell that's what he was thinking of, and it felt as though her heart had justabout dropped out of her throat, leaving her mouth dry and bitter and every inch of her aching. When he took his seat, having missed the opportunity to sign up for a fight, she hopped up into his lap after only a moment's hesitation, snuggling against his chest and drawing some comfort from the fact that he did at least wrap his arm around her, but his attention still seemed quite firmly on the tournament. She willed her tears away, feeling them welling up in her eyes and not wanting them to spill, not letting on how much she was actually hurt by what he'd nearly done and how he was conducting himself now. In the evening, as the last fights of the day concluded and they were summoned to the palace, Miry's clinginess increased tenfold. She was one of two gem brides who'd been brought back today- she could see the other plain as day even through the crush of lords, filling the room around her with color without even trying - and the realization filled her with dread and panic. There were only two of them here. Was there actually a... refund policy? Was that why he was being so distant? Was he having her taken away after all? She felt she was going to throw up or pass out, but said nothing, inserting herself under her husband's left arm and wrapping her arm tight about his waist in the hopes that his body would shield her from the drakken lords eagerly eyeing her like a piece of meat, and her touch maybe convince him to not send her off after all. They said nothing as they waited, Miry fighting to keep her breathing even, looking at the floor and flinching every time someone approached in the mill of the crowd, still half expecting rough hands to seize her and drag her away. Heavy bootsteps, of someone wearing plate armor, approached, and a gruff voice began speaking, pushing- though Miry was still staring quite dutifully at the floor, she saw the hem of the beautiful gown and peered up through her tumbling curls, going mildly slack-jawed at the sight of the girl, the color and shimmer draining from her face. She peered up at Zak, reassured in some small way by the similar expression on his face. She gave him a small squeeze of reassurance and pulled away, stepping back a half pace so as to not crowd him. All thoughts of being seized were pushed to the back of her mind by the sight of this new girl. Kasari. She barely managed to stifle a cry of anguish, remembering her shattered sister begging refuge- and in terror murdering her sister bride and then herself. Then, and even now, some part of her wished that dagger had been directed at her, enabling both Aery and Kasari. Beautiful, charismatic Kasari. To have been able to live. To have given Zak his beautiful, confident wife back. It seemed the prince had managed to do just that, as Zak reached and gently touched the new girl's arm, stepping close to her. In spite of Miry's roiling thoughts the jealousy seeped to the surface, and this time she shoved it away, schooling her features into a serene, tiny smile. She did not speak for the moment, instead observing the new girl. Her features, though soft, were schooled into a scowl, her eyes only for the dwarf lordling, seeming to size him up? Miry did nothing for the moment, feeling she wasn't important enough at the moment to give an introduction- Zak hadn't introduced her, after all, or really acknowledged her in this whole mess beyond a single glance, and she tried to take her cues from him. So she stood placidly, observing the pair, the same pleasant bland expression that she had always used as a serving-girl plastered onto her face.