[center][color=B47B84][h2][i]Sera Makatza[/i][/h2][/color][sub]Bride of: [b]Ineraz Evrenarth[/b] [@SilverPaw]; Sister-bride of [b]Zeldria Miphras[/b] [@Saltwater Thief] Interacting with [b]Ineraz and Zeldria[/b][/sub][/center] Another journey. It seemed as though ever since arriving in Shadow Worth, the Gemmenites had been transported from one destination to the next, whether that was within the walls of Shadow Worth or outside of them. This journey, however, was different from the others. This journey was to mark the beginning of their new life; this journey was to meet their husbands. [color=B47B84][i]Our husbands? My husband…[/i][/color] After Sera had arrived back in Shadow Worth from the hot springs, she was delivered to her bedroom where she was ordered to “prepare”. When her small body was pushed into the room she found a gown laid out for her on the bed. Sera eyed it from the doorway, as if it were a strange creature lying there. [color=B47B84][i]Maybe it was?[/i][/color] The snow haired gem shook her head, eyes closed tight for a moment and reopened them to find that it really was just a dress. A sigh of relief came next and then a few small steps toward the bed. Sera examined the [url=https://imgur.com/1Da2mJl]dress[/url] laid out for her; she had never seen something so beautiful in her entire life. She knew what it was though, it was to make her more appealing to her suitor. Her fiery red eyes narrowed as she thought about what it would mean to be someone’s [i]pet[/i]. [color=B47B84][i]At least you will finally belong[/i][/color] Her heart skipped a beat. [color=B47B84]“Belonging…”[/color] [hr] The sky was dark and it was raining when the girls were lead into the Ceremony, almost as if Vivari herself was crying for the fate of her children. Sera followed aimlessly, just one Gem in a line of many, her eyes glued to the floor. She had chosen to wear the gown provided for her; the colour of the material created an alluring contrast against her skin. The prince gave a speech but she couldn’t hear him speak, his voice muffled behind her racing thoughts of what came next. Mere seconds passed before the Gems were ripped from the line and delivered to their new mates. The girl’s palms of her hands grew steadily hotter, her mind refusing to calm. [color=B47B84][i]Not here. Not now.[/i][/color] A rough hand took hold of her arm and she snapped back into the present, though it took a couple seconds as she was now being dragged across the room and toward an incredibly tall Drakkan. Although he was rather slender compared to the other Drakkan in the room, he exuded an intimidating aura. Sera’s eyes jutted over to the other Gem who was being delivered alongside her, she was familiar from the hot spring though she wasn’t sure how she felt about sharing in the dark experience with another. A shove came next and a remark that struck her; [i]may these creatures bend and behave to your will just as your beasts do.[/i] Another hand placed itself on her shoulder and as it did, her eyes peered up at the Drakkan before her. If he hadn’t had reached out she would have fallen; she thanked him silently. Her new husband stepped back and as he examined her, she felt a nervousness in her stomach. Nervousness for fear of rejection, nervousness for fear of death, nervousness for fear of… [color=B47B84][i]Serafine[/i][/color] He knew she was a fire gem, an educated guess. Sera simply nodded in response to him, unknowing how to act as a bride. His next question was delivered with a directness; she would have to respond appropriately. Her nerves calmed temporarily and her impassive expression returned. [color=B47B84]“My name is Sera Makatza”[/color] she replied, neglecting her full name. Sera wanted to know what his name was, the Drakkan guard who delivered her called him a beast master but she had not heard his name. Was it too bold to ask? Was it not like a bride to speak when not spoken to? There were so many unanswered questions that she had but before she could decide what to do, her mouth had already opened again. [color=B47B84]“And you, what do we call you other than our husband?”[/color]