
With the simulation now over thanks to Lauren's sky pirate antics, Robert waved goodbye to Gren and Yue, telling them he had enjoyed his time making the shelter with them. Even if it ended up going mostly unused. He didn't mind though, it's better to look ahead and prepare, than to look back and regret. His dad told him that once, or perhaps he had read it in a book at the library. Either way, the redhaired hunter-in-training had enough regrets in his life to add another to the list.

After being dismissed by Ms. Stella Nuit, the boy would begin his short walk to Practice where he would take the first empty seat he saw. By some miracle, he had not only arrived on time, but had actually sat his ass down in a chair early... mostly because he had forgotten to change into his practice clothes and was still wearing his school uniform. With these few extra minutes of free time granted to him by his punctuality, Robert pulled out his scroll and started up a game he had downloaded last night.

For the next five minutes, Robert would farm for the in-game currency needed to summon more characters in the mobile game's gacha, quickly extending into the beginning of class time. Despite the RNG giving him only the weakest and most common jpgs, the redhead was hooked. The only saving grace he had was that he hadn't paid for any of the microtransactions, though that was mostly due to his less than ideal financial situation than because he had any semblance of self control.

When Jericho warned the class of the upcoming physical exertion that he would be putting them through, Robert still had his nose in his scroll, not even looking up for a moment as he followed the class like a mindless zombie. The gacha had consumed him, just like so many other poor souls.