[center][h2][color=E9967A]Bree[/color][/h2] [sub] Bride of [color=5ec4b3]Kagan[/color][@ghastlyInc][/sub] [/center] The hour before leaving Shadow Worth was the first time that Bree felt in her element since the start of the journey. The return walk from the spring quickly sapted any warmth she had acquired. However tempting, she knew that calling upon her element among the drakken would have been unwise, and waited until she was back in her room before calling forth a great fire. Upon entering her tiny room, she was relieved to see her trunk returned to her. She was almost as relieved to see that the grey clothing from earlier had vanished. Her mother had always taught her to value self care. That appearances, especially first ones, were everything. Those words echoed about her head as she opened the trunk. At once the room filled with the warm, flowery scent of home. The brilliant colors of the garments within seemed out of place in the plain stone room. A sharp pain struck her as quickly as the scent, it started right behind the navel and slowly crawled up to her chest. It wasn’t until the tears threatened to spill from her eyes that she was able to name the aching feeling: Despair. For the first time, she allowed those bitter tears to rolls down her face. To feel the rage and disappointment that came with the whole situation. The unfairness of it all. Nearly a quarter of an hour passed before she was able to pull herself off the floor. Yanking a dress at random and pulling out a small bag, she slammed the trunk shut. The scent lingered for a moment, before being replaced by hard stoney castle scent. With more care than she had in a long time, she started the process of applying numerous creams, pigments and kohls for her face. Trying to cover the blotchiness that came with a good cry. [i][b] Not that much dear, we are accentuating what Vivari gave you, not lying to the poor souls. [/b][/i] Her mother’s voice once again swaying her hand from applying the mask she wanted. The armor she longed to wear to protect, to give her strength. Setting the skin tools aside, she focused instead on her hair. It was nearly dry as she released it from its twist, leaving soft curls in its wake. Most of her long hair she left down, twisting a single lock into a braid, before crossing it over the top of her head and pinning it with a small white flower ornament. The dress she pulled out was light yellow and flowy. The sleeve hung off the shoulders and left nearly half her back bare. It was one that she had worn in the high heat of summer back home. The material was thin, too thin for early spring, but the dress gave her a warm feeling that soothed the pain in her chest. After dorning the dress, she wrapped a soft cloak over her shoulders and she joined the rest of the gems on their walk to their carriages. Their journey to their husbands. [i] Husband[/i] [hr] [hr] The journey to the capital took far longer than expected. Bree watched as the landscape shifted from bare snow capped peaks and wild evergreen forests to rolling hills of long stalked grassess. Sandstone ridges started forming as the sun set. Casting a fiery glow as all green faded, making way to sand. The capital was twisting roads of hard pack sand that all seemed to lead haphazardly to the same central point of the city. Or it might have, the drakken guards had shut the curtain on the carriages after the carriages started to gather too much attention from the locals. The carriages stopped outside of a large building. The night had taken on a chill as the smell of rain threatened those who stood outside and a quick wind started to whip up. The girls were quickly lead into the building by the High Prince. A gasp drew Bree’s attention as one of the troublesome girls from earlier, Adorabella, was pulled from the line by a very pretty drakken. [color=E9967A][i] Perhaps they... [/i] [/color] Bree tried to think of a reason for the girls removal. She chose not to finish the thought, as all answers she could come up with lead nowhere good. The High Prince’s words were lost on her after that. Bree’s eyes darted around the room. Unlike the guards, the drakken in the hall seemed more on edge, more eagar. [i] [color=E9967A]As they should be, they actually get to touch what they see, instead of just edging on it.[/color][/i] In what felt like moments, the pretty drakken from before had returned, leading her away this time. For a moment, fear clutched at her heart. [color=E9967A][i] You’ve done nothing wrong. They’ve no reason to single you out. You bowed, you followed the rules [/i] [/color] Still the worry didn’t fade until the pretty drakkan stopped in front of another. The pretty drakan stopped the group of gems a few feet away from another drakkan, pulling Bree close, he whispered a message into her ear. Told her to nod if she remembered it. It was a simple message, truly, and seemed like something the drakkan could have easily said himself. Bree felt her face twist in confusion, but nodded anyway. A breath escaped Bree’s lips has the pretty drakkan released her. Her shoulders relaxed, only to tighten up the second she felt the drakkan’s hand on her face. She had been too stressed out about the fact that she might not be given to a drakkan to have actually looked at the male she was left with. He was tall, far taller than herself and of a height with even the tallest figures in the room. While she still wasn’t great with guessing ages of drakken, this one seemed young. Aubree felt her face color at his assessment of her. Normally, she could care less about the opinions of others. But all the others before had been Gems, temporary creatures. But this drakken was to be with her for the rest of her life. However long that was. Bree’s hand took on a mind of its own at the mention of cutting her hair. Her fingers, brushing a few strands her eyes focused on the ends of it. Cutting it happened rarely back home and hardly ever took it shorter than the width of three fingers. Although the drakkan probably expected a lot more than that to be removed. The idea left a vague irritated feeling in the pit of her stomach. She opened her mouth to disagree, but closed it at one. [i] [color=E9967A] Not even with him three seconds and you’re already trying to be difficult. Stop being so childish, it is only hair. It’ll grow back [/color] [/i] “[color=E9967A] My name is Aubree,” [/color],”she said, proud to hear that her voice came out steady. “[color=E9967A] Aubree La-...[/color]” She cut short. There were many things she was now, but a Lamay was not one of them. Not wishing to offend her...husband she chose to leave it. [color=E9967A] Just Aubree, although some call me Bree….Sir,”[/color] There was something about the way that Kagan introduced himself that seemed suspicious. It was well known that only the most important and loyal drakken received Gems. But a Kinner, while she had no idea what a kinner was, certainly didn't sound like a lord. Obviously it was tied up with religion. People of faith were plentiful back home and she could only hope that they played a more valued role here. "[color=E9967A]You are correct, Kinner Kagan [/color]," she said, tasting the word on her tongue, hoping for a hint of familiarity or hidden meaning. [color=E9967A]" I don't know what Kinner is. But do know that Krenta is your g---the god of death. The one we all meet in the end,"[/color] Bree's eyes flashed over to some of the gems she had grown familiar with in the past few days. She found Arden quickly and felt her heart lift to see Sorrin standing alongside her. At least they had enough other. Although their husband made her's seem friendly by comparison. She quickly refocused on her own husband, although she couldn’t help but feel a bit of envy. They had each other and she could very well be on her own. [color=E9967A]"Am I your first bride?"[/color] she asked, her voice coming out a little too quickly in her desperation to know. [Hider=Summary] Bree does her hair and has a break down. Ya know, girl stuff. Travels. Freaks out when Adorabella is taken because she spoke to her that one time and obviously is guilty of what ever by association. Meets Kagan. Does not want her hair chopped and is unamused by his lack of title [/hider]