[color=9BD9E3][center][h2]Arden Gaothaire[/h2][/center][/color] [center][sub]Bride of Heccarim [@ClocktowerEchos]; Sister-bride of Sorrin [@WeepingLiberty][/sub][/center] The return to Shadow Worth was a silent one, the news of meeting their husbands had cast a new feeling of despair over the group. Even Arden was silent on the return, not speaking a word to her newfound friend. The reality of her situation had begun to sink in with each minute that pressed toward meeting the Drakkan who would [i]own[/i] her life. She looked around at her sisters, her heart aching for their mournful faces; they had already given up. Her gaze drew itself to her feet, she watched as she walked one foot in front of the other. [color=9BD9E3][i]This is now the path that you walk. Not for me. For them. You cannot let them down.. You have to find a way.[/i][/color] [center]~~~[/center] Arden returned to her room without the need to be ushered along or reminded. There was a small fire in in the hearth of the fireplace nestled in the corner. It had been burning for awhile now; was it in preparation of their return? A scoff escaped her at the thought of the Drakkan being kind, though it was pleasant to return to a warm room. Her trunk of belongings had been pulled from the back of the room and placed near the door, ready to be plucked up and carried off along with her when the time came. Her caretakers before the Reaping had packed her trunk for her and it was littered with feminine items. They were truly incessant in pushing the matter on her. Arden was impartial to most of the belongings in the trunk, however, she had grown fond of the dark red pigmented concoction her caretakers had introduced her to when she first arrived in Priseil Aldentine. She pulled it from her trunk and found her way to the mirror in the corner of the room, completely ignoring the clothing laid out for her on the bedding as she passed by. Arden stared at herself for a long while, as if she was memorizing her reflection. [color=9BD9E3][i]Whatever happens, you cannot let them break you. Do not lose yourself.[/i][/color] Arden’s hands rolled themselves into balls against the small table placed in front of the mirror, her body leaning over it for support. Her expression softened and with a heavy sigh, she let her bravery escape her to allow her tears to freely trickle down her face as she softly weeped. [center]~~~[/center] Železna Kri; the capital of Drakka. She had overheard the name spoken by one of the many guard that aided in their travel there. Železna Kri was a fair distance from Shadow Worth and had to be reached by carriage. Arden was herded into a carriage with a number of unfamiliar faces, all unwilling to speak to each other. Instead the group leered out the window or lost themselves in their own hands as they cried. Arden chose to observe the drastically changing scenery, attempting to ignore the situation for as long as she could. It wasn’t long before she was forced to observe the others, as the curtains of the carriage were closed once they had entered the capital. One particular Gem had been sobbing heavily for quite some time and the rest of them were either petrified with fear, or solemn faced. She didn’t know what to say to them, but she knew she had to say something. [color=9BD9E3]”Listen to me, ladies. We have already been through a lot but there is so much more that we have to endure. If you want to survive, you have to find strength within yourself to lean on. You cannot let them see you broken… Just because we were [i]taken[/i] from our homes, just because we do not have choice here, does not mean we have to lose ourselves. We might be divided, but we are never alone. Your sisters are everywhere, and together we thrive. Remember, they need us. Be strong.”[/color] She spoke with a sense of graceful leadership that oozed an air of confidence. Half the battle of having others listen to you when you spoke was not about what you said, but more about how you said it. As the words flowed from Arden’s mouth with ease, the faces of the Gem in the carriage began to settle and even the sobbing Gem found momentary peace. Her job was done. The carriage came to a stop and as the doors opened, a cool breeze with the scent of rain rushed in. Arden stepped out of the carriage and peered at the dark sky above her, feeling relief from the rain falling against her face. The moment didn’t last long as the girls were swiftly lead into the building. One foot in front of the other; this is your new path. Arden’s eyes quickly found their way to Adorabella who was plucked from the line by a hornless Drakkan. She wanted to reach out to the woman but the ache that remained on her abdomen stopped her. A pit grew in her stomach as they were lined up, forced to stare in the faces of the many who were there to claim their prizes. [color=9BD9E3][i]This is it. This is where everything changes.[/i][/color] Her heart beat so heavily in her chest that she swore she could her its rhythmic melody. A younger looking Drakkan came for her and another; the other Gem was a familiar face from the hot spring. He grabbed them both and walked them toward a rather intimidating looking Drakkan. Before reaching her new husband, the guard aired them a word of caution to behave. Even he was trembling in his own skin. The guard made haste after delivering the two of them to Heccarim. Arden shifted closer to her sister, noticing that she was overtly afraid. She took the Gem’s hand in her own and squeezed it as a sign of comfort. Her face did not leave that of the Warden’s, her strong eyes meeting his as he examined them. He was ghastly and wore a mask; there was an odd mist that surrounded him and he was covered in chains. He reminded her of the living dead, or more accurately, of a ghost to haunt their souls. [color=9BD9E3][i]Harand Kor? Empty cells? Are we going to a prison?[/i][/color] Arden’s brow hardened at the appearance of the shackles in her husband’s hands and her own hand tightened against Sorrin’s. [color=9BD9E3]“You’re going to chain us up?” Where do you expect us to go from here in a room full of guards.”[/color] Arden’s hand was ripped from Sorrin’s and chained together, linked to the Warden himself. He didn’t even bother to answer her but simply demanded their names. Her face remained stern with disapproval, although her heart raced with a certain fear. [color=9BD9E3]”Arden.”[/color] Her response was short as she glared at Heccarim. If Sorrin had not been at her side, she would have not given him her name but she didn’t want to create undue trouble for her sister. She wanted to look for Bree, but she refused to break her eye contact with the Warden; a sign of strength in a time of darkness. Underneath her defiant exterior she thanked that she was not alone with such a Drakkan. The feeling of loss crept into her throat, realizing she might not see the only piece of home she had left in that place; Bree. [color=9BD9E3][i]”Stay alive, my friend.”[/i][/color] She whispered softly against the wind when the warden turned away from them, hoping it would find its way to Bree