Thanks for all your interest, everyone! The game thread will probably go up later today. The map design for this roleplay will be done by [@WrongEndoftheRainbow], who has experience and seems eager. [b]While we will not be customising nor viewing the map of Galbar until we're ready to go,[/b] we're still taking suggestions on necessary features that should pop up somewhere or other. Here's the list so far. [quote=@Antarctic Termite] We're currently figuring out some ideas to keep in mind to ensure an exciting map. [b]Please add to them if you have any important suggestions.[/b] -Land dispersed across many latitudes. -At least one, or two, large continents with variable elevation and room for inland travel. -Enough water to get between landmasses. -Enough land to allow extended over-land interactions and reduce the dominance of water power. -Landmasses covering several degrees of both latitude or longitude, allowing multiple climates on the continents with enough space in each to share if need be (cosiness not guaranteed). -Islands, archipelagos, inland seas, large lakes, isthmuses, straits, bays, mountains, all that. -A vague idea of tectonic rifts. -An ocean on the equator and a large amount of north-south area to be a convenient antimeridian -An accessible location for the Door, preferably on the prime meridian, preferably on a beach (but not an island). [/quote] Otherwise, the state of Galbar at turn 0 will be pretty much as hinted in the opening prose- oxygen, water, plate tectonics, one moon and one sun, and some basic microbial life.