[center][h3][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180415/e3162e270ccbec2ed7880548610c3077.png[/img][/h3][/center] [center][sub] Bride of Azilon [@WeepingLiberty]and sister bride to Lienna [@Obscene Symphony][/sub][/center] The princess’ departure left Rya’s face a deep scarlet. Her hands wrapped around her stomach, as though trying to protect the nonexistent life within. Protecting it from the taint that the princess infected everything with. She'd recognized the female drakkan the moment Azilon left to fight, the woman standing observing the battle between father and son with interest. And after, during her little scene, well, the side Rya was rooting for lost. [i]When in doubt, defer to your husband judgment.[/i]The advice from the year before echoed briefly around her head when she saw the woman approach. Since Azilon had never specifically instructed her what he expected her to do with royalty, she took that to mean do nothing. Which was more than fine by her. Still, she kept her head looking towards the floor, afraid that the princess would somehow see her secret thoughts. The second the woman was out of earshot, Rya's head shot up. “[color=98FB98]She’s a self righteous-slagger eating munter,”[/color] Rya’s words coming out low, her eyes screaming with her poorly concealed hatred. It took a great effort for her hands to relax and return to her sides. The princess has made an appearance at Shadow Worth the year before and it wasn't well received. [i] The air gem sat in the middle of the floor, trying desperately to hold up her dress as the crimson liquid seeped into the grey material. A nameless girl lay beside her, eyes staring into nothing as the stream of red turned into a puddle of anti-life. “[color=f49ac2]Perhaps the next girl will be a little smarter[/color],” [/i] Standing tall and proud and oh so superior and flocked by suiters too stupid to know better. They were dead now. Shaking her head of the rage, her eyes turned back towards the girl. Her….sister. Tiny, willowy and pale. The girl radiated Gemmenia in a way that all the older gems had lost. Reaching out a hand, Rya rested her hand on the girls face before tossing her arms around the girls waist and pulling her into a crushing hug. “[color=98FB98]I’m sorry you’re here[/color],” Rya’s voice keeping a low tone. Her heart filled with pain as she held the girl. Pain that didn't start with the reaping and wouldn't end with it either. With great effort, Rya pulled away, although she still kept a protectively close distance to the girl. “[color=98FB98]But I hope you’ll find some happiness. I’m Rya,[/color]” As few moment passed before she seemed to have a sudden realization. [color=98FB98]”Oh...this is Azilon. What are you known by?”[/color] [Hider=summary] Rya hates the princess and hugs her new sister [/hider]