[quote=Genkai]Do the colors represent various events? (ex: Green disrupts signal, yellow creates some sort of gooey entrapment, etc)[/quote] I've thought of doing that initially but I decided no, at least not from the start. There could be events as well as increasing the number of colour balls as an upgrade or a downloaded skill during the role play after your permission, but if fighting scenes would be as minor as I am assuming this role play to play out, then chances are the colour balls won't get any events. [quote=Genkai]How are they summoned? Mentally with a hand in the air? Or are they carried on the Corrector? [/quote] I'll add this in the CS. Mentally with a hand in the air. [quote=Genkai]I was about to then ask why, with his skills in physical combat, his Corrector alias wouldn't take advantage of that directly but I can see why after after reading into the history.[/quote] I know you got your answer and this isn't a question but what did you mean by 'his Corrector alias wouldn't take advantage of [his physical skills]' ? just curious.