[@Jarl Coolgruuf] I still like Pelegath, maybe even more than I did. Just make sure not to disappear without a word this time. [@Scarescrow] I'm a bit shaky on this one. I've been very lax on character goals so far because most characters I can kind of get a grip on, but while the theme of endings is perfectly fine, the actual applications of 'forgetting' is quite vague, and I don't otherwise have much of an idea how Sebna will play. Try be more clear about what the limits and strengths of its power are and what it will use them for in specific situations. Also, the fact that Sebna has a duty and moral code strongly suggests that he's Lawful. [@Kalleth] Césure's good, even unfinished. Definitely some shade of evil rather than neutral, but he's good. Not Good good. Just good. Great. Dandy. :a-ok sign emoji: [quote=@Kho] Guys. I've decided. Humans are going to come about when Seihdhara [i]procreates[/i] with a bear. [/quote] k. Have fun