[@darkwolf687] Yeah, I didn't want to be a buzzkill but I do request that you step back Orfai's action a bit. You've kinda stolen my thunder! Perhaps you haven't had the chance to read my CS or didn't remember Promus, but his entire character revolves around the idea that he is the one who bestows speech to mortals. Now, it needn't be as complete a monopoly as my CS makes it sound under his portfolio description, but to do so much and so soon just leaves Promus uselessly hanging out on the margins. It'd be like if I just created dragons before Grimloq even got to hatch his dragon eggs. I'm happy to do some sort of collaboration in which Promus helps to raise up civilization among the Faliargun (or any other race that the rest of you make, for that matter) or even for you give them something like a sign language, or anything else really.