[quote=Side Character G] I've thought of doing that initially but I decided no, at least not from the start. There could be events as well as increasing the number of colour balls as an upgrade or a downloaded skill during the role play after your permission, but if fighting scenes would be as minor as I am assuming this role play to play out, then chances are the colour balls won't get any events.[/quote] Well fighting will happening more frequently than "infrequently" when they do happen, they should only take 1-3 rounds at the very most. Fighting for Correctors is their job but I intend to keep fighting scenes only out of necessity if they are important to the plot or are a way to introduce a new enemy or ally. But still your characters should be used to fights (hard or easy) and considering yours is getting on in years, if you'd like to make colors or sizes have more specific purpose, by all means. [quote=Side Character G]I'll add this in the CS. Mentally with a hand in the air.[/quote] Okie dokie, [quote=Side Character G]I know you got your answer and this isn't a question but what did you mean by 'his Corrector alias wouldn't take advantage of [his physical skills]' ? just curious. [/quote] Correctors, unlike every day people, use their own physical endurance and health in the DgtWld. So I considered his training may be something he'd use to his benefit. Since if you're injured online as a Corrector, it does injure your body in real life.