[center]LAST TIME, ON EDGED HORIZON... [b]Chapter 1: Red Bakery[/b] Man in Red swags around summoning bigass wolf monster as everyone does jobs for the Bureau. Rift-Beast arrives at Bakery Town and is attacked by Araki while thwarted by Seleb (vamp bitch). Fight happens and ultimately Araki kills the thing, with Seleb retreating. He then decides to eat it, because it was taking it’s sweat-ass time crystallizing. Seleb, meanwhile meets up with Fion and Riley to spout some bullshit about Araki being evil and shit. Fion and Riley don’t believe her and go total bondage slavery shit with kinky chains and such.. Meanwhile, Vance and his fairy show up. Fion and Riley get in an argument with Vance about Seleb being evil, Seleb breaks out of her chains and proves them right, Fion fights Seleb while (was it Araki?) fights Vance. Fights happen, until they are interfered by gauntley dude...who promptly gets his head chomped off by a half-white beast. Araki suffers stomach pains and Riley’s super summon goes cray-cray, resulting in a dire situation. Then, it’s solved by shit, and before any actual authority comes, Esace whisks them off onto Moko’s airship for questioning (even gives them a free taxi service). Back down, the man in red loots some corpses and disappears. [b]Chapter 2: Gray Originator[/b] Invitations for a whole bunch of people to go to a witch-gathering, in which they do stuff! Peeps meet up and people are dragged around. Finally, they meet at the volcano, and the objective is revealed: the ‘birth’ of some cray cray Musphelheim demon. Astopolian military attacks! Monsters run! Battle ensues! Araki gets mauled, and then levels up even moar! Esace beats up Riley’s mom, and in doing so, causes a big-ass summon to drop on the crater. The dust settles, and Fion, Riley, and Araki leave the arena. More stuff happens (gosh, I’m feeling lazy), ending up with the Musphelheim demon being birthed and Vance refusing to kill it because it looks like a little girl. Admittedly, he gets in trouble, but the Musphelheim demon and its caretakers escape. Vance gets butcher. Rilolia loses Dead Gear trying to save him. More things in the background begin to happen. Araki is sent to live in Dansila instead. [b]Chapter 3: Black Destiny[/b] Tanith Seyour, Fion’s milf, is working on a pro-Talze Utera proposal with Dean Courtright. In light of this, the old man has arranged to have meetings with people related to the ‘monster’ races. Wynnara, on the other hand, is chilling like a villain in a boat, vomitting all over the place as some scrub nub merchants entertain a visit from a vampire and an elf...[/center]