Maria listen to the voices a couple of corridors away and giggle as she heard footsteps in the one directly to her right. she smile and waked to the conjunction between the shelves running her hands along the oak wood cases. shadows erupted from her fingertips skuterling over the book case, materializing into shadowy spiders of all sizes thet flickered and shimmered like an illusion and scurried away. she turn the corner and tripped over a box of shadowy darkness landing on her but with an "oft" she got back up and stepped aside raking her hands through her cloak pulling it up with her fingers she whipping her cloak out around her, she sent forth a murder of shadow Ravens and Crow to surround that swoop the box. her brother yelled and jumped out and ran backwards down the corridor. but not be for she make mock chains out of the darkness that clanged and clattered. she began to sing again slowly and softly, following the sounds of her brother; Cling clang, go your chains, Someone's out to find you, Cling clang, oh your chains, The Grim is right behind you. Quick now, shes seeking chains, Approach with their shrill scrape, Don't stop, flee your chains, Your last chance to escape! Drag your chains, drag your chains, With all the strength you may! Drag your chains, drag your chains, 'Ere they drag you away! Cling clang, go your chains! There's no more time for fear! Cling clang, no your chains! The last sound that you'll hear! She giggled as he was trapped at the dead end of the corridor. "your Out He he" Maria said. poking his leg she revoked her chains and Cel came sweeping round the corner " i told you i would win didn't i" she said holing back a giggle.