Finally done. Hope this is alright. :D [hider=huge picture][center][img][/img][/center][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Danny Wycombe [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Godly parent:[/b] Deimos [b]Years at camp:[/b] 3 [b]Weaponry:[/b] Anything he can get his hands on. But he's quite partial to war axes. [b]Fatal flaw:[/b] He's a bad fighter despite being an Ares legacy. It's mostly because he never needed to use his fighting skills, due to him always relying on his terror-bringing ability. [b]Special Abilities (Limited to 2):[/b] Danny has the ability to make one see their worst fears through eye contact. [b]Other (Background information, etc.):[/b] Danny lives and breathes terror. Not just fear – but pants-wetting, nightmare-inducing, can’t-sleep-alone-for-months terror. Even as a child, he found enjoyment in scaring people. He was always probing people, asking them what they were afraid of, what scared them the most. Somehow, no matter how reluctant the person was, Danny was able to get it out of them; to find out their deepest, darkest fears. And, as any young, slightly sociopathic boy would do, he went out of his way to exploit those fears. When the girl next door admitted she was afraid of ghosts, Danny made up a story about how he was sure he’d seen a face at her window a few nights earlier – pale, ethereal, ghostly. The girl hadn’t been able to sleep in her own room for three weeks afterwards, and despite being punished severely for lying, Danny reveled in the fear one little story had caused. His penchant for scaring people and exploiting their fears grew only the as got older. If people were afraid of the dark, he’d find a way to leave them in the dark for three hours. If they were afraid of spiders, he’d spend days catching numerous arachnids, and then releasing them at once into the victim’s bedroom whilst they slept. No fear was too small or too big for Danny to exploit, and his mother often feared for his mental health. It didn’t help that the one time he was sent to therapy, he scared the therapist so much she suffered a nervous breakdown and moved countries. At Camp Half-Blood, Danny keeps mostly to himself. His naturally threatening aura means that many campers go out of their way to avoid him, though, unfortunately for them, Danny enjoys seeking them out. He gets a kick out of seeing people cry, especially because of him.