[color=6ecff6][center][h1]Karina Frost[/h1][/center][/color]

Karina wasn't expecting something like that to happen, but perhaps she should? Seeing as the man that was eating was obviously drinking some strong alcoholic beverage... Since she had nothing to do with the situation, she simply kept quietly watching the situation unfolding as the drunk man stumbled into the other three man that were playing a game of the senses, spilling one of their drinks.

Instead of apologizing himself, he appeared to want only to further provoke them, going as far as stealing another one's drink and spitting it into their faces. Karina would have done something to stop such unsightly, uncouth and rude behavior, but if she did, she could risk her disguise...

[color=6ecff6][I]"Ignore it...[/I][/color] Karina thought to herself, tightening her grasp around the cup of water, trying to calm herself down, but that would prove to be a bit difficult as things would only get worse, which would happen much sooner than she thought it would after the first punch was thrown, hitting the drunk man right in his face, sending him backwards against a wall.

Karina didn't seem to be the only one annoyed at the situation, as the innkeeper expressed his dissatisfaction with having a brawl happen inside his inn, but it didn't seem to even faze the aggressors as one of them grabbed a knife. Strangely enough, upon seeing it, the drunk man didn't try to run or even defend himself but on the contraire, instead, he simply smiled and closed his eyes. What was that man thinking? It was almost like if he had purposely provoked those men and was literally trying to get himself hurt or killed.

Luckily for the drunk man, another strange low life entered the inn hurriedly. The rough looking man with a hostile stare seemed to be running for a while and didn't hesitate in trying to stop the brawl, much to the Innkeeper's happiness. Karina didn't know if the strange man knew the drunk one, but surely he was ready to fight against all of them if it was necessary.

Their lack of discipline and decorum made Karina sigh heavily. Something like that would never happen in the military. At least not if she was on duty. Such behavior would be dealt with swiftly... She secretly hoped that the tall and broad man wearing armor would deal with that. He did seem to be someone from the military. The way he walked, his stern look... Somehow he made her remember her father...

Much to Karina's surprise, the one that would start a fight wasn't the low life with a hostile stare, but the tall, armored man... She watched silently as the man approached the others, accusing the three other man from being from a foreign nation. Apparently, he knew very well who they were. He did seem to be defending the drunk man, but at least for Karina, he was the one who started all that by provoking them, so he was at least partially responsible for all that.

[color=ed1c24]"I know who you are, you're one of the kings lapdogs; the mighty Royal Guard"[/color] Karina heard one of them saying to the tall, armored man. That surely changed everything... Him being from the Royal Guard could prove to be very beneficial to her. He probably knew more about the current situation and even about all those rumors more than anyone else on that inn. But the three troublemakers didn't seem to be afraid of him...

Everything happened in the blink of an eye as the one with the dagger lunged at the Guardsman, only to see his attack evaded effortlessly by the man. His movements were precise and swift, he knew exactly what he was doing when he quickly disarmed with a series of blows, ending on the floor dirty with splatters of blood and a troublemaker without half of his ear.

Everything ended as quickly and suddenly as it began, leaving behind only the blood on the ground and a lamenting Innkeeper.
Just like she had previously thought, all that thing about being drunk was just an act as the man approached the rough looking one advising him to slow down on his beer... Quite an ironic thing for him, who was drinking so eagerly from the liquid inside the little flask, to say...

As the situation seemed to get a bit better, Karina heard a delicate, female voice. With all that happening, she didn't see her, but just after one of the other clients offered her some food, she saw the owner of such voice: It was a small fairy, that was flying around the 'drunk' man. But before Karina could even do anything, she felt the piece of food the fairy was playing with hit her in her face.
Karina didn't seem to be the only one affected by the fairy's antics, as the armored hunter nearby her was also hit by the contents of the small cup the fairy had on her hands a second ago.

Karina was tolerating all that, trying her best to not do anything, but the second the rough looking man grabbed the little fairy, trying to help her drink and the drunk man shaped a dagger with heat pointing to his gut, Karina finally lost her patience... Was wanting to find a calm and tranquil place to gather information too much?

Karina started emanating an incredibly cold air from her as she abruptly stood up, with her hands on the counter and her eyes closed, clearly trying to hold back her anger. The weight of the rapier, wrapped on her back did seem to be a bit heaver on that moment, almost as if it was asking her to use it to ensure everyone there would act in a civilized manner but as the drunk man apologized to her and the hunter, she realized what she was doing, as both her breath and the air around her were already visible due to how cold they were.

[color=6ecff6]"If you want to throw your life away this badly, the war is happening just a few kilometers away..."[/color] Karina said, wiping her face with the handkerchief the drunk man had thrown to her, handing it to him shortly after with a cold stare, both figuratively and literally.

[color=6ecff6]"There is no need to pay for my room. I will just ask you to not use tempraisionism carelessly like that."[/color] Karina said, sighing deeply as she calmed herself down, the air coming out of her mouth just barely visible as the air temperature started to go back to normal.

Drinking the rest of the water in one long gulp, she looked at the Innkeeper again, with the same smile she had on her face when she arrived. The transition from the cold and frightening stare to the warm and calming smile on her face was almost like she was an entirely different person.

[color=6ecff6]"I'm sorry, I just lost my composure for a second."[/color] She said, mostly to the Innkeeper, but to some of the others who had nothing to do with the situation as well.

[color=6ecff6]"It's been a long trip and I don't know almost anything about this region... And with all those weird rumors that I've been hearing, it's even more difficult to discern what is truth from what is merely well fabricated lie."[/color] Karina said, sitting down again.
