[b]Holy Sites[/b] [hider=Locus Amoenus (4 Might, 2 Might per Turn)] Locus Amoenus is a pleasant, idyllic place where the Ley is highly concentrated. Built in an unnamed alpine range, the holy site includes the overall regional landscape, a group of marble temples and fountain, as well as the gardens that surround said constructions. The whole area was shaped with Kap Gam's power, rivers were redirected, pleasant plants were selected, and stones were raised and crumbled as to provide a beautiful and peaceful visage. Gardening is done by sprites and dracs, the latter also helping to keep the fountains and water flow. The grass has a rich dark green coloration, while the flowers have pronounced colors. The water is clear, fresh and cool, but it has a cyan overtone and in some springs almost shines with that color. The very sky over the land is gentler, with far more striking colors during dawn and sunset, as well as a longer lasting twilight, as if even daylight wanted to stay in the pleasant place a bit longer. Nights are starrier and often spout richer blue and purple colors. During some days, the sky is bright cyan. Clouds always seem interesting to look at, they have clear formations, are prone to create crepuscular rays and seem to really absorb the rich colors of the sky. The marble temples themselves are simple, more accessory to the garden than what not. Many are completely empty at the moment, a few have a function, such as a plant nursery or a bath. The temples are mostly connected by stone walkways, though there is a main path, that goes from the largest temple towards the temple nearest the ending of the only safe path up the tall mountains. This main pathway is made of marble tiles and surrounded and covered by pillars and an arched roof, a small layer of flowing water runs over the tiles, to anyone with bare feet it will be easy to walk the pathway, to all others, it will feel like they are being washed away by a torrent. [/hider]