[b]=== The Free Souls, Fairies, Fae ===[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Uk6TWFD.png[/img] Fae are not biological creatures, but magical ones, their very souls casting together a body from a variety of materials. With bodies that can be better described as "Dust held together by magic." the Fae are timeless creatures with no need for bodily functions. There is no limit to how much a Fae may live, their magic do slowly wane, but both rebirth and replinishing are possible, what mostly 'kills' a Fae is simple boredom, as a life lacking strong emotions and/or ambitions quickly drains their will to live, the very thing which brought them to this world in the first place. Simple sprites can live simple lives, but the more advanced the fae, the harder it is to keep exisiting in that form. When the soul leaves their body, it typically simple explodes in a cloud of magic charged dust, the will which kept it together gone. Fae can recover from any wound, even as far as regrowing severed limbs, though how that is done changes from Type to Type. One important aspect of Fae is "possibility", which dictates how social they can be. The more distant a Fae is from the mortal motifs, the more bothered the Fae will be by living among mortals. A Fae of similar height of a human will have an easier time among a human crowd than a tiny one, so will a wingless one over a winged one or one with hidden magic over one with a magical aura. Some Fae may change forms to better integrate among mortals, such as turning into a canine or a normal human, other may choose to hide their form with an outfit, among other possible solutions. Fae themselves have certain motifs, antennae/horns, butterfly wings and names and third eyes. Kap Gam appreciates the freedom of the Fae, so she imposes little limit or guidance in how they should act, there is only one thing imbued to them all, a deep respect for ants, a repayment for kindness the goddess received in her original universe. Not even the ones altered by other gods can break that rule. [hider=Sprite] A sprite is a small being made of dust, plant fibers, and insect bits. Most have 30 centimeters at most, some grow to one meter. Their bodies mimic their environment, so in a forest they will have leaves and petals, in a swamp they might be green and moss-like, in a beach they might have shells and kelp, all that along with typical fae features such as third eyes, antennae and horns. They are the most basic of fae, often aiming along the natural telluric energies of the Ley, swarming around Clarion Towers or spots with great magic. They can take a variety of form, but are never able to talk normally or have human-like hands. [/hider] [hider=Dracs] Dracs are water Fae raised from specialized water sprites. They typically have green, orange or blue skin and bulbous antaenna as well as darker, rounder eyes. They are also advanced enough to wear clothes, typically wearing whatever they can make from the rivers, lakes, swamps, or beaches they inhabit. They have a more defined shape than Sprites, and are able to create hands to manipulate their environment. Unlike the more idyllic Sprites, some of these Fae follow a mission given by Kap Gam, watering plants, cleaning rivers and hiding pearls inside shells. [/hider] === The Realm of Souls, Mycelium === [hider=The Ley, the soul fungi] Ley is one single organic entity: A sprawling network of fungi cells that is mostly found deep within the earth, but sometimes sprouts upward in certain spots, creating magically charged areas typically easy to find by the presence of sparkly mushrooms and a plethora of supernatural phenomena. Its purpose is to bring souls about to this universe. Within its Mycelium countless souls flow about in a primordial existence. [/hider] [hider=Clarion, The Haunted Towers] Clarions are a construct of Ley who sprout from the Mycelium, it is by far the most complex and powerful of all the surface Ley constructs, charging the region where they are found with great magic. The term "Haunter Tower" comes more from the fact it is typically inhabited by the supernatural and often whisper words that can be scary to others, there is no pain or torment connected to it. [/hider]