It's actually neither. Let us really look at this. [quote]Roleplay here if you enjoy writing at least a paragraph or two, character development, and some depth. Grammar and spelling are encouraged. Generally one paragraph (a few sentences) per post. See individual GM for RP specific standards[/quote] Now some people focus on this part - [i][color=f7941d]Generally one paragraph (a few sentences) per post.[/color][/i] - Okay, cool, 1 paragraph. While others focus on this part - [color=f26522][i]Roleplay here if you enjoy writing at least a paragraph or two[/i][/color] - At least a paragraph or two. Meaning a minimal of that. So you see the bigger issue isn't the Rpers but the description. If the description for Casual was changed to something along lines of - [color=f9ad81][i]Roleplay here if you enjoy writing at least one paragraph and up to two per post.[/i][/color] - That would remove the blurred lines between Casual and Advanced. Free would be under a paragraph, Casual would be 1 to 2, Advanced would be 3+. (Then again, what about those that write a saga for every post? Do we add a God section?) Now there would still be some crossover but not near as much. What is casual for one person is going to feel like advanced to another. So until there is a set clear and concise definition for this forum the lines will be blurred. This so called issue is here because of the blurred lines but honestly, I believe it is a non issue and it just something else for people to bitch about. Change it, someone will find something else they don't like. Divide it up by how many paragraphs a person posts isn't good for some. Breaking it down by how often you post won't work for others. Do it by rule enforcement, others will roll their eyes. By genre, far too much cross over. Time frame, worlds, etc. There is no really good way, just a few [i]okay[/i] ways and a crap ton of [i]please don't ever do that[/i] ways. Granted, what does this really matter in the end? Mahz has had the vacation banner up for over a month. So honestly until he can be around much more often to fix things that really matter, going on about this for the upteenth time isn't going to do a bit of good. Other than put Rpers at each others throats over something stupid. Then again, that is what the internet is all about. Well that and porn. Sorry Kate. [img][/img] ~now has Avenue Q stuck in her head~