Jones decided to give her a chance as she continued to speak, noting the paper and trying to think if whether or not she would be caught for the note before continuing on with her account like nothing had happened. "The...only thing I did was serve some drinks that night and take care of some unruly customers. It's the typical sort of thing that I would do and I had to suffer through it through most of the night, mind you." Seeing that Kate wasn't going to tell the truth, Jones took the chance to [present] the note to the worker, unfurling it and putting it onto the counter for her. "Listen up, we found this note on the roulette table. Would you care to tell us who wrote this note, Kate, before I accuse you of writing it?" Kate grit her teeth, before telling Jones that she had absolutely no idea who wrote it and there's no proof that she did. "If that's how you're going to play it, then why don't you unfurl that name you just wrote for us, Kate? We'll have just the proof we need to catch you in a lie after a quick handwriting analysis." Kate Murphy eventually made a long pause, before sighing and telling the officers her story. "Samuel and I used to be lovers, we met at the casino when he made a large bet and won. I had never been so in love, but when he started to work at the stock market, he began to have a new lover, money. I can't believe it, but he became more and more attached..." she paused to slam her fist down onto the table, sending a few chips wobbling for a moment. "Then he [i]left me,[/i] saying that he didn't see any value in our relationship. As far as I can tell, stock traders are just a bunch of psychopaths in nice suits! Then he started waltzing around with his new friend, some guy by the name of Harry Krane and pretended that he doesn't even know me!" She then tilted her head up by just a few degrees, looking at the officers with a look of pity and defeat. [b]Objective 6B: "Search the table games at Greene's Casino for any potential leads." is now complete! Objective 7A: "Confront Kate Murphy about the paper and hear the truth." is now complete![/b] [b][b]Objective 6C:[/b] "Complete your investigation at the casino." has been added![/b]