
[hider=Oscar McGuiness][hr]




[color=Gray][i]Oscar 'Ed' McGuiness[/i][/color]

[color=Gray][i]25 years - 11 months[/i][/color]

[color=Gold][b][i]Height - Weight[/i][/b][/color]
[color=Gray][i]6' 1"/185cm - 156lbs[/i][/color]




[color=Gold][b][i]Relationship - Sexuality[/i][/b][/color]
[color=Gray][i]Single - Heterosexual[/i][/color]


[sub]Whilst broad in genre, Oscar's life is completely built around music in all its forms. Whether he loves or hates parts of it, it defines who he is.[/sub]

[sub]When he first started his physiotherapy, alongside hiking, cycling was his go-to source of exercise and entertainment whenever he was free.[/sub]

[sub]Having spent a lot of time growing up around a small blog, Oscar has taken his film-industry score analysis site into a slightly more professional tone.[/sub]

[sub]Alongside his production, mingling with other musicians and releasing songs to play live is something he can't get enough of. Despite his timid looks, he is said to give quite a decent solo show. Either that or the odd comic gag here or there.[/sub]

[b]Instrument Practicing[/b]
[sub]Relaxing, thought provoking and an acting sanctuary, the life he started revolved around his practice.[/sub][/i][/color]

[color=Gray][i][b]Forced Involvement[/b]
[sub]Oscar is the type of person that only likes doing what he volunteers or accepts. Anything forced is just out of the question.[/sub]

[sub]Having been an avid driver back in Scotland, his final day driving left him nervous to go near any steering wheels. He is, however, fine with other people doing the driving for him.[/sub]

[b]Loneliness + Isolation[/b]
[sub]A common trait with most, his job has seen him be introverted from big collaborations. Seeing as he wishes to change that, Oscar now hopes for a prospecting time of socialisation.[/sub]

[sub]Sure, others can do what they want. Just as long as it isn't forced into his own system, there wouldn't be a care in the world.[/sub]

[b]Issues in General[/b]
[sub]In the past, Oscar had been known to get easily stressed out over small things instead of large issues. Sometimes the issue persists.[/sub][/i][/color]






[color=Gold][b][i]Special Talents[/i][/b][/color]
[color=Gray][i][b]Musically Gifted[/b]
[sub]Growing up around music has given him the will to practice all forms of music he wishes. Primarily a bassist, piano and french horn player, he occasionally branches out and attempts new instruments on the regular for his own professional benefit. Recently, singing has been a large point of interest.[/sub][/i][/color]

[color=Gray][i][b]Independent Music Composer/ Performer - Occasional Radio Host[/b][/i][/color]


[color=Gold][b][i]Properties of Interest[/i][/b][/color]
[i][url=https://www.goldenpeacockmm.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/anime_background_house_by_haruxxstyle01-d9f27mp.png][color=Gray]Western Shore House[/color][/url]

[url=https://img00.deviantart.net/806a/i/2011/299/6/8/comission_school_background_by_wanaca-d3fkjse.jpg][color=gray]Central Point Media Centre - Work Office[/color][/url]

[url=https://img00.deviantart.net/c16a/i/2017/215/3/5/anime_vn_background___city_by_ombobon-dbislrl.jpg][color=gray]PRM Broadcast Centre[/color][/url][/i]


[color=Gray][i][b]Parents - Douglas and Juliette[/b]
[sub]Currently living in Vancouver, keep occasional contact.[/sub]

[b]Sister - Eloise[/b]
[sub]Currently living in Sol City as well, his non-identical twin sister, Ella, currently remains as the main chat-show and radio dj for the PRM Station, hence why Oscar occasionally makes an appearance as a regular side-host.[/sub][/i][/color]


[color=Gray][i]Oscar tends to hold a very happy-go-lucky persona when around many of the others of Sol City. In recent light of his success with recent composition work after being contracted by a televised organisation, as well as the influx of performances at local bars, pubs and clubs, he's found himself cheering up after the first few years he'd spent in the city. Without much financial worries to keep him under pressure, he finds work to be an upmost focus and continues to share his experiences in relation to it when he can, though if he manages to get caught in the interest of another person he can easily find the time to visit them as such. Because of this, Oscar has become far more of a sociable member of society in contrast to the once introverted, nervous and bottled up soul he was prior. Yet, in some situations, that anxiety can still be seen and caught by the eyes of others.

Now that he's discovered his more outing personality, he takes the time to try new things that others may find interesting at the benefit of them, though only if he agrees to such terms in the first place.[/i][/color]


[color=Gray][i]Early childhood was quite simplistic for Oscar. He was born alongside his twin-sister Eloise, whose bond with her equal brother was greater than most other sibling relationships. The family weren't overly wealthy but they had more than enough to get by with a comfortable life that didn't boast extremity or exoticism. Education was more than enough to get by, and music took a large toll in his lifestyle. His childhood mainly consisted of practicing, performing at local concerts within Edinburgh or attempting to write his first batch of songs. Initially, he began on the piano and french horn, taking a classical route in the music career path. However, the kicks he managed to get out of performing peaked when he discovered different bands, artists and explored the vast world of musical talent. Eventually, this led to him self-teaching the guitar and its bass counterpart, before moving onto more electronic versions of the piano such as synthersisers found lying around his secondary school. Those were the good days, at least, and once he hit his 17th birthday, things started to take a large turn for the worst.

Being a recent graduate of his driving license, Oscar had a deep obsession with going out to drive. Taking mates and friends from all around, they would go to concerts in England, drive up to the beach and generally enjoy what freedom they were being granted. It wasn't reckless, nor was it irresponsible, but on October 24th, that same year, he suffered greatly. After panicking whilst on a motorway during a solo-drive towards a long-distance friend, Oscar was unfortunate enough to lose control of the car's stability and cause himself quite a fatal crash. Most of the memories were very vague and blurry, but Oscar remembered awaiting for emergency services with nothing but extreme pain shooting down his right leg below the knee. Rushed to hospital and eventually reunited with his family, the near-adult was left in a fortnight-lengthened controlled coma before reawakening. And to his surprise, an apparent amputation from his right leg, knee downwards, was partaken for reasons he still wasn't fully comprehensible of. And so, the months of waiting began, hopelessly, spending his time sat within a ward awaiting reassignment to somewhere that could take him in for rehabilitation.

It took an entire month for the first hospital to open up interest in taking him under their wing. Sol City was praised for its medical staff and so offered him a place in a private detachment coexisting within Sol's medical network. Immediately, he was rushed overseas to live out his new life, repairing the damage that had been inflicted upon him by fate itself. Adamant about his recovery, Ella kept by his side and even found herself settling down within Sol City the next year in order to keep a watchful eye on her sibling's recovery. Progress was slow at first, but physiotherapy brought the best out of him. Even in his free time, Oscar was offered practice periods to continue his passion and maintain mental stability throughout the recovery process. This cycle of work, play, work and followed by play was ceased 2 years prior to his 25th birthday, where mass procedures in building up the strength required to use a prosthetic were finally completed. Now with an issued [url=https://img1.cgtrader.com/items/798604/81dc36e04e/large/prosthetic-leg-3d-model-obj-3ds-3dm-ige-igs-iges-mtl.jpg]prosthetic right leg[/url], he was finally cleared from rehabilitation and gifted with the chance to work. Understanding all that he'd missed in his years of mental and physical rehabilitation, Oscar was assisted by a client, alongside his sister, who'd landed a rightful role as a radio presenter, as reference for his talents.

His first season of work came in the form of a documentary's score, accompanying a detailed insight on the city for PR tourism attraction. Whilst the pay was more than enough to get him started, he had to return into the caring arms of his sister for more work within the radio broadcasting scene. For another year, leading towards his 24th birthday, he assisted his sister daily on the microphone and did many of the backing soundtracks between segments as part of his contract. Adding more essence to the show, he was regarded as getting quite a successful lift off from his downtrodden past experiences within Sol City. It was here that the opportunity for live performances arose, and both Ella and himself started touring around the local clubs as a duet in many forms of music. From simple, slow and calming arrangements to upbeat, heavy soundtracks, his sister's applications of drums and piano were perfect for their larger introduction into the music scene. Gaining the experience he had from both performing and small notoriety due to his appearances live, he was eventually offered a contract with a Sol-Based gaming development team to spend 4 months composing half of its score. And as expected, he did so, providing a long and enriched orchestral soundtrack accompanied by modern electronic soundscapes. The money he gained from such experience, adding onto the total he'd made from co-presenting the show, gave him way more than enough to purchase his own house in Western Shores and office work-space in Central Point. Once his 25th birthday had come around, he was where he wanted to be, albeit with an absent limb.

Nowadays, Oscar has a wide array of contacts that he keeps close for business. Occasionally working alongside the same development company, as sell as several film and television projects, stability in his finances were at large at thriving, giving him the time and space he needed to settle down and restart his social life that he had lost those eight years ago in Scotland. An attempt or two at the romantic scene was attempted, but he ultimately was driven away by those he was paired with. This hasn't stopped him from being an active seeker, yet he still likes to consider all-around companionship to be his social goal before the end of the year. Using most of his funding to purchase a fantastic range of equipment for his job and performing abilities both solo and alongside Ella, he has comfortably regained the potential he once had as a younger man.[/i][/color]


[color=Gold][b][i]Currently Owned Instruments[/i][/b][/color]
[sub][url=https://images.samash.com/sa/F49/F494005XX-P.fpx?cvt=jpg]Fender Telecaster[/url] + [url=https://www.reidys.com/images/products/taylor_224ce_kdlx.jpg]TAYLOR 224ce Acoustic Guitar[/url][/sub]

[sub][url=http://www.status-graphite.com/status/image/chris_wolstenholme/cw_9070_side.jpg]Status Graphite[/url] + [url=https://58eca9fdf76150b92bfa-3586c28d09a33a8c605ed79290ca82aa.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/gretsch-g2220-junior-jet-bass-ii-black-319920.jpg]Gretsch Junior Jet II G2220[/url][/sub]

[sub][url=https://www.reidys.com/images/products.large/cvp709gppe.jpg]YAMAHA Clavinova CVP709GP[/url][/sub]

[sub][url=https://media.musiciansfriend.com/is/image/MMGS7/MicroKorg-Vintage-Gold-Synthesizer-Vocoder/J01615000000000-00-500x500.jpg]Korg MicroKorg[/url] + [url=https://media.sweetwater.com/images/items/750/SeaboardR-49-large.jpg?v=407b5d53b05d9b60]ROLI Seaboard Rise-49[/url][/sub]

[b]Other Instruments[/b]
[sub]Schmid Compensating Triple French Horn + Klaus Heffler Cello[/sub][/i][/color]


[color=Gold][b][i]Favourite Song[/i][/b][/color]


[color=Gold][b][i]Ideal Actor[/i][/b][/color]
[color=Gray][i]Ewan McGregor[/i][/color]