[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fiENFjt.png[/IMG][/center] So, apparently, Egypt had zero knowledge on the concept of subtlety. The Reaper, like the mummy, had been none too keen on this method of travel, at least not in comparison to more normal, less sexy B&H fare. Isis was hot, sure, but she was, first and foremost a god. One of those creatures who sort of screamed 'fuck you, Daisy' by virtue of her mere existence. Basking in her olive-toned glory was one thing; being wrapped in a power that was antithetical to everything Daisy was...well, that was a different ball game entirely. Daisy stepped away from the small assembled group as soon as she was able, a small shiver ripping up her spine. She felt neither heat nor cold, or at least not in the normal sense, but if she'd been capable of goosebumps, she'd have been coated in that shit just now. Egyptian what-the-actual-fuckery part two (or three, if you counted the mummy; [i]he[/i] certainly seemed to. Daisy was trying very hard not to) came in the form of the library itself, which would have also been the second time Daisy was very reluctantly impressed with something that night. Day. Whatever. It wasn't that she was particularly into reading. The last time she'd been to a library had been as a high school student named Sarah, who was trying to get into this kid's pants. He'd been kind of a geek, knee-deep into that Hobbit shit. Daisy had gotten two pages in then 'lost' her library card. She was pretty sure she owed, like, $80 in library fines now. "Sarah" was on the run. Her attention was torn away from the library by the mummy, yet a-fucking-gain. Though this time, it was less his ass, more his strange transformation. In her eyes, it glowed so bright it almost hurt, and set her teeth on edge. Even Artie, who'd broken off to go mark one of those giant stone pillars, turned his head, sniffing the air suspiciously, and letting off a low, warning growl from the back of his throat. She wasn't quite sure [i]what[/i] he'd done. But she really, really, [i]really[/i] didn't like it. "Um...," she started to no one in particular. "Is he gonna fucking share with the class, or -- " [i]"Watch out!"[/i] Daisy made a point of avoiding and ignoring such general imperative commands -- "Watch out!", "Look at this!", "Daisy, stop doing that!" -- and might have continued to do so on this occasion, had said interjection not been nearly overlapped by a very familiar, entirely too joyous, bark. Expecting the absolute worst, Daisy turned to see several things that went on to base her conclusion that Egypt was a subtle as a troupe of Cirque du Soleil members on LSD. One of the two giant statue things was moving. Falling, more accurately, pitching forward with all the grace of a bus on ice skates. And clutched in its little statuesque teeth, Old Dude. For whatever reason, Daisy was completely unsurprised. For all the bullshit she represented, Daisy had always liked that ghost chick who hung out with him. If she wasn't so dead, and Daisy wasn't so Death, they'd probably be best friends. The Reaper idly wondered if the Demoness had a Twitter handle. Meanwhile, Artie, apparently thrilled for some action, or just acclimating to Egypt much faster than she was, had changed again. Where he had been a largish black wolf before, he now appeared at the far edge of glamour and truth, leaving him an ugly, hulking beast of a bear-hound with patchy fur. He barked again as he used immense muscles of supernatural strength to catapult himself up the not-so-gentle incline the statue made with its body, bound for its muzzle, and for Old Guy. Scurrying (if 'scurrying' could be used for a creature that size) around the statue's jaw, Artie panted happily to himself, another thrilled bark/roar leaving flayed lips, timing his jump, before leaping off the statue's nose to nap Old Guy's weird harness belt thing between teeth like razors. And successfully leaving old guy dangling from the jaws of a hellhound like a puppy in its mother's mouth. Daisy rolled her eyes as Artie let off another muffled bark of elation and excitement, charred tail wagging so hard, it shook his whole body. "Well, this is shitty," she grumbled under her breath, drawing the intangible version of the Scythe. "If we're [i]always[/i] going to end up where things are trying to kill us anyway, I'd much rather have a vampire sex dungeon than a fuck ton of dusty scrolls and their babysitters."