"To look perfectly human huh? Well, I guess I'm already 90% there since my design was to look and act as human as possible." She mused, looking her body over, even pulling her shirt away to look down her blouse and see if anything needed changing there. "I guess I should be fine as I am now. The flexibility grooves can easily be passed off as normal enhancements." She shrugged. "What I lack in data on the human world I can gain quickly through experience." She thought it a bit of a bother to have to deal with such things are pretending to be something she wasn't. But then again, Jurgen was probably right that it would create more problems than it would solve if she came out as a full android. And then they were off to the nearest store block. They were usually made up of a few relatively high-end bars and clubs (For this poor area of the city at least), together with the local bounty hunter hangout, half a dozen stores, and any number of peddlers that tried to sell anything they owned or had found in the junkyard to get money for food. Which gave her an idea...why not find a bar to hang out at every now and then as well? Between fighting and possibly some other things, why not also go to a bar to just chill for a while? "Hey Jurgen, any bars that have something both humans and androids? Like, something special androids can drink for instance, to help with their cybernetics. How I'll hide what I am...well, I'll get to that when the need arises." Eve was a pretty decent planner, even if she sucked at explaining her plants to others.