[hr][hr][hr][hr][center][h3][color=red]Please send all applications to me via messages, do not post in the thread.[/color][/h3]
[hr][hr][hr][hr][h3]Character Skeleton[/h3](Remove The *s)

[code][hr****][center][img]PHOTO OF CHARACTER LINK HERE[/img]
[hr****][h2]FIRST NAME or "NICKNAME"[/h2]
[quote=Quoted Person Name]Insert a personal quote or a quote that resonates with your character[/quote][/center]
[hr****][b]Full Name:[/b] Name Middle Name Surname
[b]Age:[/b] most 18, some 17
[b]Ability:[/b] Your power in as few words as possible (i.e. Fire manipulation, Invulnerability, Invisibility).
[hr****][center][hider=First Name or "Nickname"]
[b]Ability Information[/b]
Not active at the start of the RP, but decide on & describe your superhuman power here for later on in more detail (i.e. it's restraints, how it could potentially grow)

[b]Key Traits[/b]
List five or so notable personality traits

[b]Hobbies & Interests[/b]
List them

More in-depth, paragraphed description of your character

Detailed appearance of how your character looks, what clothing you wear, include posture, piercings, etc. if applicable

[b]Other Info[/b]
Anything else that's not listed

Paragraphed details of your character's history[/hider][/center][hr****][/code][/center]
[hider=How It Will Look]
[center][hr][img]https://twibbon.s3.amazonaws.com/2012/82/d78470a4-3812-4faf-bfc8-e525d02378d1.png[/img][hr][h2]FIRST NAME or "NICKNAME"[/h2]
[quote=Quoted Person Name]Insert a personal quote or a quote that resonates with your character[/quote][/center]
[hr][b]Full Name:[/b] Name Middle Name Surname
[b]Age:[/b] most 18, some 17
[b]Ability:[/b] Your power in as few words as possible (i.e. Fire manipulation, Invulnerability, Invisibility).
[center][hr][hider=First Name or "Nickname"]
[b]Ability Information[/b]
Not active at the start of the RP, but decide on & describe your superhuman power here for later on

[b]Key Traits[/b]
List five or so notable personality traits

[b]Hobbies & Interests[/b]
List them

More in-depth, paragraphed description of your character

Detailed appearance of how your character looks, what clothing you wear, include posture, piercings, etc. if applicable

[b]Other Info[/b]
Anything else that's not listed

Paragraphed details of your character's history[/hider][/center][hr][/hider]