They had arrived in the kitchen. The prince sat the princess down on her royal chair. More inhabitants of the castle came to receive the food. Amongst the crowed Celeste had managed to sneak away with the Prince back to the small room containing the crystal ball... "The reason I have brung you here is that I need you to be in my presence as I delve into the cards to obtain a better reading. This morning... I saw something concerning, I wish to delve once more, just to see it is indeed the truth" There was a sad tone to Celeste voice, although she retained her usual demeanor. "Oh spirits of the world beneath, give me answer by that of which I seek. Rise the bones of destiny, give me insight to the darkness on the kingdoms doorstep" Tarot cards floated out of Celestias' sleeves, glowing a purple aura as they spun in the circling her crystal ball. There was a flash of light. "Oh! So... It IS true" The cards floated back into Celestes' sleeves. She shook her head. "This is concerning, what I'm about to tell you, you must let no one know!" Celeste came close to the Prince and whispered into his ear, what she had seen