[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180608/10dd45bf8dd24c7bf83786cf02a179ec.png [/img][/center] The door to the back room of the barroom of The Nest opened and a lithe cloaked man stepped in. Riker had never liked to use the front door and sometimes it was best to just sneak when people might be looking for you. He didn't suspect any of the Dusthawks would try to turn him in or collect on his considerable bounty, but, it wasn't just Hawks here was it? No, indeed, there was that prancing little lordling with his sword and swagger to think about. Valerano wasn't the type to back stab, but, he was the type to get his reputation pushed up by claiming to have killed Two Cloak. Now that he was already inside the bar, and, at a good angle, he'd have a good shot on anyone who tried to do anything outside of his desires. "Don't worry, Val," Riker said in a tone filled with amusement and good humor, "I didn't break a window on'y this time. Nothin' needs replaced." he walked quickly over to the bar itself and vaulted the counter, instantly starting to search for glasses, drink, and, other mixes. Riker quickly began to busy himself mixing a drink for everyone in the room, plus two more besides. The fare they had wasn't great, but, he sure he could put together something interesting. He spoke as he worked, his words directed mostly at their leader, though, Riker had little more than a freelancer's deference to the man. He had been in for ten years now and his old friend had been the former leader. Val was a fine pickpocket and decent taskmaster, but, Riker couldn't help but still see him as just a youngster with too much lemon and not enough salt. "I saw the mark. Took a trip on up to the fancy part of town and left one for our mutual rich friend to see. I'd expect she'll be joinin' us," he paused in what he was doing and looked up to meet Val's eyes, flashing an inhumanly white smile, " 'Les she's got something better and more interesting to do." with that he let out a laugh that was all too enthusiastic and loud. It was just a feint though. As he caught their attention with his laugh and smile his hand quickly sent a dash of powder into each and every glass. He had been experimenting with this new powder lately. He found it gave the heart fits and numbed out the lungs when taken in strong dose, but, the effects were very different with alcohol. With a bit of drink and a small dose of the stuff it filled you with energy, a bit nervous, but, still good. The double vision was quite bad if he messed up the dosage, but, he was practiced at this now. He didn't fancy trying out things like this on his partners for the first time. He had already drugged nearly a dozen random patrons all over the Gray and now it was time to put that practice to the test. Riker slid the finished drinks in the general direction of each Hawk and then picked up his own glass and took a sip. He leaned on the bar and eyed everyone in turn, his grin still fixed, "New brew I found while wandering the Gray. I find it is something quite special and not hard to make. Enjoy," his predator's eyes then tracked over to Val, "Alright, Val, the marks are up, who is you need dead?"