[quote=Reminie] I really like it so far. Will this mostly be us creating anarchy individually and crossing paths at times, or something like forming a rebellion and trying to "fix" the system? [/quote] I'm glad you're interested! It'll certainly be a mixture of the two as the role-play progresses. It'll begin relatively small, of course; I can't stress enough how uniformed the world has become. Crime is almost non-existent thanks to the oppressive force of the highly modified Policing force, whose only real role is society is to halt the infighting between the upper classes. Others would have tried to rebel against the system, but in such a unified world, they would have failed miserably. What makes our characters different, is this technology they've been gifted with. Our characters would have to depend on each other from time to time, but would also have their own story lines intercepting with everything. I hope that makes a little sense.