[hr] [center] [color=f7976a][h3]T H E F L A S H[/h3] [b]Revalations Part Two:[/b] [sup][i]NOT FAST ENOUGH[/i][/sup][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZnUOaUzaSw]Music[/url] [/center] [hr] Iris went for the Surfers board, she could faintly hear the Surfer deem her not worthy or something, she was sure she had seen that in a movie somewhere before. She grabbed the board just as he had mentioned something about exile. Then she tripped over something as she was hit by a wall of dry, scorching heat. She stumbled and came to a halt as a drop of snow fell down on her exposed nose. Rubbing her eyes, blinking, they finally adjusted to her new reality. "I don't believe it." She looked up, and stretching out above her was one of the Great Pyramids of Egypt. That wasn't even the craziest part, it had started to snow. She shook her head as she started to look around, talking to herself. "Head in the game, West." Iris saw the board drifting lazily over to some very confused tourists, some of whom were taking snaps of what was going on or had decided to start backing away slowly. She took a step towards the board and it suddenly levelled out and started spinning around like a needle of a compass trying to find North after it had been messed with by a magnet. Suddenly it locked onto something and before she could get any closer it started speeding off in that direction. Iris could only imagine it was one thing – the Surfer. The board was trying to make its way back to him. With her and Superman they had almost taken him down, without her there she was worried about what the Surfer would do. She had never ran further than Coast City from home, and that was just for pizza. Now the fate of Superman, Central City and possibly the world was at stake. She had to go faster than she had ever gone before, her father had always told her to focus on what she was going toward and the rest would work itself out. Lightning coursed through her veins as she pushed on after the board. The sand and the heat pushing against her body, a cloud of sand created in her wake. The board crashed through sand dunes in an explosion of sand, making her glad that her mask had lenses to protect her eyes. The first dune was the most difficult, as she pushed up it she caught air as it had a more sudden drop than she had expected. Frustration washed through her, whenever Iris was in the air her speed started to drop. Pushing herself harder she barely heard the [i]boom[/i] behind her as she pushed through the soundbarrier. All she could do was push on as the board became smaller and smaller, inhaling deep she let the power behind the lightning fully consume her. Her limbs crackled with electricity, energy and the power of the lightning. As Jay had told her to, become absorbed by it. Recognise its power, use it. It wasn't about her running, it was about the lightning flowing through her and pushing her onward. The board became more than a dot in the distance as she passed onto the ocean. She didn’t slow, she couldn’t. If the Surfer got his board back, the fight would go on for even longer. They needed to end this. Pushing herself even harder as she moved away from anywhere she could potentially hurt anyone, two waves created in her wake like a speedboat she powered over the water. Her feet barely sinking less than a millimeter before she lifted them to take another step. In the back of her mind there was a note of joy, on some level she felt the rush of the speed. Using the adrenaline to fuel her she pushed herself even harder as she came level to the board as she zipped through, what was probably Spain, and onto the Atlantic Ocean. She’d really need to brush up on her geography if this was going to become a recurring thing. Reaching out to grab it her hand passed straight through it and she swore, stumbling slightly as she had overplayed her hand. Quite literally she fell behind as she levelled herself out. Coming round at the board from the other side she attempted again to grab it, to have her hand pass straight through it a second time. Iris had to question if this was a side effect of the speed she was achieving, or some kind of defense mechanism the board had in it. Swiping her hand through it again and again, more out of hopelessness rather than the misguided belief that eventually it would work, she had to think of something else. Fast. Earlier, she had barely got a punch in edgeways, however… Something clicked in Iris’ head. When she had punched him after forming the vortex, at high speeds. Momentarily he had lost his chromed look, her energy messed with his [i]power cosmic[/i]. Maybe when she had built enough of it up in her system from running at speed, she could disrupt that [i]within[/i] his body. She ignored the board. Running side by side with it in the strangest race she had ever ran. If the board got to the Surfer first it could be game over for everyone, but if she got there first then there was the chance she could end it before it went any further. Maybe they would finally get some answers as to what was going on. As soon as they hit the coast she dug into the last of her reserves, ignoring the faint pain in her muscles and her lungs screaming for more oxygen. Breathing as fast as she could, she pushed on. Pulling ahead of the board as she knew where she was. Screaming at the top of her voice somewhere in New Hampshire she hoped that Superman’s hearing was as good as people claimed it was. Screaming as slow as she could, so he could get the words. “LOOKOUTSUPERMANI’MCOMINGRIGHTATYOU!” Bursting through streets and over cars, the lightning coming from her, and the power of the board caused shorts and power outages through every town and city they passed through. She winced slightly at the damage caused, but couldn’t let that distract her. Emergency services, even other heroes could pick up the damage caused. Crossing through, finally, into the Badlands she screamed as she pushed herself off of her feet into a jump, twisting her entire torso. Lightning coursed through her limbs, she could see it sparking on her fist as she extended it past her head, almost as if it was threatening to shoot out of her fist. Passing Superman, her first slammed right into the side of the Surfers face. Three things happened. A shockwave erupted in the area, pushing everyone away from each other and even sending the Surfers board into the ground. There was a deafening explosion. She felt a stabbing pain through her entire body. Iris just knew that something was broken, and once again thankful for rapid healing. She couldn’t think about it for long though, as she fell backwards her head hit the ground and the world went black.