Figuring the temporary barmaid would need to apply finishing touches to her employment, Rilolia moved on outside and waited for Yazulayne to do the same, hopefully still retaining her uniform; the shock she could apply to confused castle guards would be invaluable. Leaning on the foremost walls of the bar just beside the door, Rilolia had begun to gather her thoughts and concerns for the journey, but moreso the destination. With a titanic robot at her disposal, the prospect of crashing a castle was at the very least [i]sane[/i]. Without Dead Gear, it was nothing more than a hopeful dream. What’s worse, it had become recently apparent that unlike Yazulayne, her ‘condition’ would elicit much less mercy if she were to be caught… and that was only if she didn’t die beforehand. Rubbing her temples, she tried to calm the stressing headache that had begun to form, returning -as best she could- to a less turbulent mindset. Unfortunately, the temporary barmaid stepped out of the bar in a non barmaid fashion. Not all hope was lost however, as Yazu was actually able to [i]buy[/i] the shocking uniform; the fact of just mentioning the annoying self-proclaimed captain’s name and some words along the lines of "on his behalf" were enough to convince the owner while still retaining her small paycheck. This, and the fact of the promising trip in the air put her mood pretty high even as she was the last person of the group leaving the bar. Thus, it wasn't surprising that, with her mood and humming towards the sky coupled with the vampire girls non-existent aura, Yazu didn't even notice her as she stepped out. Lifting from the lean, Rilolia briskly followed up beside Yazu, unchanged by her positive atmosphere. Though her quick internal joke of utilizing a battling barmaid was just that -a joke, it was still slightly uplifting to see the girl had brought it with her. Cliche a consideration as it was, Rilolia truly did see it being used effectively once they reached their destination. “Didn’t want to give up the dress?” Rilolia laughed, “Please tell me you’re thinking what I’m thinking, and we can use it somehow.” Rilolia mimicked a person in thought jokingly, putting a hand to her chin and pondering at the sky for a short second. Rilolia’s tone became a bit more serious, though, as she brought up the topic of the siege. “So, I don’t think I’ve ever asked you this, but how exactly are you qualified at fighting castle guards? Like, what do you [i]do[/i]?” [b]"Eh?"[/b] Turning around by the surprising assault of her [i]friend[/i], Yazulayne shortly looked for at the dress she carried. "Is she talking about this?" Before finally paying real attention to the vampire. [b]"Hey Rilolia! Considering we think [i]a lot,[/i] that might be quite possible! We can't tell though. But the annoying self-proclaimed captain paid for it anyways, that alone makes it worth! He didn't even took a sip from what we served him, after having gone through all that trouble!"[/b] Pouting a bit she quickly changed to her sun-like attire but was cut off by a rather serious question. [b]"How we fight them...? Well, first we ask them politely if they would free the prisoner and if they refuse we just beat them up![/b] ... but that's not quite the right answer we suppose? Urgh, why is this bothering us so much?! [b]Alright, we will show you...[/b]" Checking her surroundings the cursed elf made sure that no one was watching them before activating her cursed magic, opening the scar on her face. As the few, but still countless eyes, fixated on the only other person in the vicinity, Yazulayne simply formed a spear made out of that dark mass. [b]"We could throw that or..."[/b] the spear changed form to a mallet, adding more of the corruption onto it made it even grow in size. The hammer was definitely bigger than something a grown up heavy armored warrior would wield but not big enough to attract too much attention. [b]"This? If needed we could also form some sort of minion, problem is they run wild against anything so we rather refrain from that..."[/b] Deciding she showed enough off she retracted her small arsenal back into her scar, closing it in the process. Looking up in the sky the elf now concluded. [b]"We heard if you see a shooting star you could make a wish come true!"[/b] Rilolia recoiled as Yazulayne revealed her abilities without any severe reluctance, utterly impressed and slightly averse to her hidden skill. The adorable elf didn’t seem like the type to unleash such a grim power, especially considering her scarred face. It certainly seemed potent, that was for sure, but Rilolia couldn’t help but feel it to be quite jarring. Before she could even make a remark on it, though, Yazulayne diverged from the topic. Looking up to the sky, Rilolia found herself guided by Yazu’s innocent and strangely off-topic reflection. “In Talze Utera, hopeful things like that don’t tend to be expressed. I wouldn’t truly know. But it certainly would be wonderful, wouldn’t it?” The cursed elf didn't really expect that Rilolia would actually comment on her random nonsense; the only reason she said such things was for her own well-being after all. Still, it made her somewhat happy and she asked in a curious voice a, maybe bold, question. [b]"What would you wish for?"[/b] “Hm,” Rilolia considered for a moment, “Probably something like elimination of prejudice in the world. If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t be readying to do something as crazy as this.” Rilolia left it at that for just a little while longer, and then chuckled after shrugging. “Then again, if the wish came true I’d probably have never met you. Don’t exactly have that many… friends,” Rilolia hesitated on the last word, unsure of if Yazulayne saw eye to eye. "Elimination of prejudice? This sounds grant, we shouldn't tell her about our selfish wish." Thinking out loud, as usual. [b]"Friends? We used to have friends too, but they only ended up hurting us, so we stopped making friends."[/b] Completely ignorant towards the vampires sentimental words. “O-oh…” Rilolia responded dejectedly, “I suppose that makes sense.” Rilolia scratched the back of her head, as if to appear oblivious to Yazulayne’s own perceptive shortcomings. Though, she remained dutifully fixated on the elf’s unbound speech. “And, what would your wish be then?” she asked, almost with an accusatory tone. [b]“Killing the Jade Eyed Witch.”[/b] Not daring to call her direct name, the elf’s wish was indeed a selfish and simple one. It could have been misfortunate to someone who knew otherwise, that Rilolia’s memory of the individual who had sent her to Yazulayne had begun to slip quite quickly. The vampiress hadn’t even reflected on her for quite some time, days even, and so her features were faded in her recollection, much less her face. Ignorant, Rilolia simply shrugged and passively resolved it was no one she’d ever know. “I’m left to assume this witch did something to you, then?” Rilolia pressed. [b]"She was the one who cursed us. Curses are usually lifted with the death of the caster."[/b] Stating the obvious, Yazulayne couldn't believe the conversation turned out like this again but she had a hard time holding herself back this time.[b]"[u]I[/u] had a family, a home, education, friends and all these things too..."[/b] She took a few steps back as her head started to hurt a little. It was clear she was becoming distressed, so Rilolia stopped from asking more questions. “I ditched my family, really. If it weren’t for that I’d be living pretty fine as the daughter of some fairly wealthy individuals. I don’t have much to go back to, after this is all over,” Rilolia began, “so since you’ve taken the time and risks to help me, it’s only fitting I help grant your wish after it’s all over. How does that sound?” [b]"You are going to help us kill her? Really?!"[/b] More happy than she should actually be she continued to describe the Witch.[b]"Her name is spelled Y.o.u.n. She has jade green eyes, hence her title. She has long blonde hair and always carries a mischievous grin on her face. She also carries a big witch hat thing on her hat...and is a vampire! We tried fighting her once but got utterly crushed."[/b] Usually thinking so much about Youn put the cursed elf in a even worse mood, but the fact about this vampire girl helping her out filled Yazu with delight. “Wait,” Rilolia almost wanted to stop Yazu mid-sentence, but with each descriptor being listed off, she became more and more stunned. Recalling what she could, the one thing that stood out the most was this Youn’s status as a [i]vampire witch[/i]. That gave it away. Rilolia gave a look of guilt, as if she had some sort of hand in Yazu’s fate, and it dawned on her then that this witch might have sent her Yazulayne’s way simply to screw with her. “I-I think I know who you’re talking about…” Rilolia struggled to say, “she sent me to [b]you[/b], in fact.” [b]"She did? Well, she always has ulterior motives, we mean, she even saved us once and helped us fake our death."[/b] Forming a smile Yazu proceeded. [b]"And with- uh, nothing... [/b] Idiot, why do we wanted to say that? This is getting awkward..." Of course, talking your [i]important[/i] thoughts out loud wasn't really a good trait to have. Yazulayne’s speech patterns were beginning to be lost on Rilolia, so she figured it’d be best to let it go and discuss the [i]next[/i] reckless adventure after they’d completed this one. “We can figure it out later. For now let’s keep focused on busting out my friend.” Yazu nodded. [b]”That isn’t gonna be any prob-”[/b] As they kept walking towards the landing site, another interesting person came into the cursed elf’s sight range: the woman with wolf ears and tails. Yazulayne was already interested in that person the first time she saw it, and now was her chance to actually assault her! In a nearly impolite fashion she nodded towards Rilolia. [b]”We will talk later.”[/b] Before making haste towards her new target to assault. --- Moko stretched lazily, her legs becoming tired at the prospect of even more walking around, even if it was to reach something rather interesting. She was not use to so much walking given she was almost always on a ship the repeated and simple act of walking tired her joints somewhat. “You know what would have made this better? If I have a minotaur to ride on the back of. Once seen a vampire child do that, looked like fun…” She muttered the story in the hopes that someone would pick up on it and make the travel time a little less annoying. Not exactly someone to ease her travel time, but definitely company, the cursed elf came closer and closer, leaving Rilolia behind; as Yazu had never even heard of such a being as Moko before. Making sure she was behind Moko's shoulder, to avoidng her shadow, she didn't hesitate to grab the wolf hybrids tail with and pull gentle, but firm, on it! “Ya-ow!” Moko exclaimed as her tail was yanked on, her own hand reaching back to try and snatch it away from whatever had ahold of it. “Hey, what is the big idea pulling on my tail suddenly like that?” The wolf women gave off a low pitched growl as a warning not to do it again… However, Yazu's partnership with the wolf's tail was not fated for long. Not intimidated by the wolf's growl the elf asked in a slightly bizarre voice. [b]"So, it is real? We mean, the ears and the tail!"[/b] “Eh? Of course they are, they are apart of me, just like your ears” With a small sigh she soon relaxed and reached up to brush back her hair, her ears followed but soon perked back up as always. With a nearly childish innocence she continued asking. [b]"We wonder, did you get cursed as well?[/b] And does her tail waggle when she gets excited? Should we ask?" “You talk strangely kid…” She started to walk away, though started to talk, along with moving her hand to motion the elf along with her. “No, not really. Just some… Overly excited humans. Like how there are werewolves, vampires and so on, there are beings like me. More genetic than a curse.” Following Moko's motion, the cursed elf followed. [b]"We see. Werewolves exist too? We never left Illiserev, before so all we got to see was a vampire and a witch!"[/b] Shortly setting her thought towards Youn put her into a slightly worse mood, but nothing too worse to go [i]random[/i] yet. “Yep… Though what about you? Umm… You two? You talk as if you are two people, not to mention you said you were cursed.” She was wondering, and she feared little.. still creepy though. [b]"Us? We are many; thanks to a curse. Oh, and you can call us Yazulayne!"[/b] She gave a rather simple and short answer, hoping it would suffice. “You can call me Moko. There is only one of me heh. So, what intrest do you have in the ships anyway?” [b]"Ships?"[/b] She started to smile once again. [b]"Err, none at all...except...we wonder if ships on sea can burn, they are actually surrounded by water after all, right?"[/b] “Oh yeah. I have seen it, even continued burning sometimes under water. Mostly due to magic though” She tried to not react to the creepy… [b]"Under water?"[/b] Her eyes started to shine a bit. [b]"We wonder if we could test it on the ship we came with, but that annoying self-proclaimed captain would most likely nag about it~"[/b] “Most likely. I would not want my ship to fall to that fate. it is my home after all heh” She smiled and rubbed the back of her head. [b]"So you can even call a place like a ship your home, huh?"[/b] she simply replied with a sad undertone while taking another look into the sky.. “Whats the matter?” Moko was a little confused by that. did it mean she did not have one? A real shame, though likely there were few people willing to take in a cursed. Yazulayne easily confirmed Moko's guess. [b]"Having a place that one can always return to and is their home, sometimes we wish for such place too."[/b] A bit more motivated she continued. [b]"But we are able to make a lot of people happy by simply wandering around Illiserev and helping those in need! ...though this time it is outside the country."[/b] Moko nodded, her hand one again brushing the top of her head absentmindedly “True, helping people is good. but if you are to do that, then you should remember that home is not always a place you can return to, sometimes you take it with you.” [b]"Like a ship?"[/b] Tilting her head, she looked rather confused. “Kinda… More like, your home is where you make it. And you can feel at home anywhere.” [b]"No, you can't."[/b] Putting more strength than usual in her voice to underline her statement. “You can believe that if you wish. Though once you have been shipwrecked and alone, it becomes a very nice concept to keep ahold of” [b]"Yes, we keep believing that. After all, we are alone since a long time and feel nowhere home."[/b] With the conversation going into a rather direction, Yazu's face also became a bit darker. If there was anything she did not like to talk about it was those kind of things. “Ah… umm” Moko’s tail and ears lowered for a moment, having clearly made the girl upset. however they perked back up after thinking of a good way to pass the time. “Hey, how about I tell you all the cool and awesome tales of me and my airship? I bet you will love em” A bit less curious and cheered up than Moko might have expected, Yazu agreed. [b]"Sure."[/b] Of course, telling stories to someone who can't keep silent was a hard task to do, but something that Moko had to bear with now... .