Clayton started out the door just as his dorm-mate Alex proposed to have a battle with that Ritzy girl, he kept in mind what Alex looked like and he couldn't forget Ritzy which was probably the effect she was hoping for. He headed off to the dorms with quite a bit on his mind, he figured he might have to look at a type-chart before deciding to battle anyone. He could tell that there were some pretty confident battlers here and though he is confident, Clayton figured he wasn't as experienced. The other trainers most likely went out on journey's around their home region battling Gym Leaders and such but he didn't. He did, however, travel across vast oceans and visit other various regions. It just so happened that Orre didn't have a Pokémon League, probably because of how much of badlands Orre has and how cities are obscure throughout the region. After a trek that seemed to go on for quite a while Clayton appeared before his dorm room, #24. He glanced around and noticed a student with a Togetic quite a ways down the hallway behind him. He looked back down at the door and jiggled the handle, apparently he was the first one there. He rummaged through his pockets and picked out his card key, swiped it through the lock, opened the door and walked inside. They seemed fairly small but probably because of how much stuff was in the room. There was even a kitchen, it almost seemed surreal to see one. He had missed his breakfast running for the ferry and seeing that almost seemed as if it were a mirage. Clayton took his shoes off at the and left it open a crack, suspecting that the student he had seen in the hall was heading towards this dorm. He walked to the door at the far end while peeking at the other four rooms that were a living space, the kitchen, a dining room, and a bathroom. He opened the door and walked in to the bed room. He flicked on the over head light and looked in the left corner, he was surprised to see a bunk bed instead of five separate beds. He quickly realized that what he though was a traditional bunk bed was actually two different beds, the top bed was actually stabilized by some wooden beams, he guessed it was so there were no complaints. He ignored the bunk bed and went for the bed in the bottom left corner. Clayton then dumped out all of his belongings on to the bed and started to unpack.