<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

“Arena Regulars” [b]YO! Deme got here damn near yesterday and he a regular![/b] The standards are low. You should be looking for the insight of the people who are not there. There is a reason they don’t wanna hang with y’all. Maybe y’all got bad rep, who knows? Competitive rp makes people butt hurt. People hate to lose and being called out on they bs. Tbh the arena from how I see it wack af cause y’all don’t want it alive. You tagged these “Regulars” but they not making the cut. They not doing 2v2s or trying to make good stories, they not making like Npcs for the arena or making actually titles. Do y’all even update ya records? If you want something to work make it work, put the effort into it. Y’all can still be dicks and toxic, but make shit happen.

Yeah, Yeah you know what I mean by 'regular' I mean someone whos experienced with combat based 'non collaborative' combat which you and deme seem to be. Nothing what you said I disagree with the sub forum clearly needs work, but it needs work internally, it [b]doesn't[/b] need snark, insults and personal attacks who would probably rather not see the sub-forum exist (not you personally, I mean the comments from that other thread).

And WHERE IS THIS TOXIC COMMUNITY? Y'all cant have your cake and eat it, you cant on one hand say we are non-existent and a vacant/dead forum and then the other hand say we are all toxic flamers 'who doesn't let anyone in'. I feel like its easy  to insult a low population forum because you know you can avoid backlash.