[b]Name:[/b]  Eldrid Cole
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[b]Physical Description:[/b] 
[b]Important items:[/b]

-"Spellbook": An omni-tool. Most of the personal data on it is made up of observations on different spells, including cost/benefit analysis, possible improvements, what the spell might say about the user who developed it, and a personal rating of the spell. In addition it contains several descriptions of spells "in development," ideas on new spells, several unfinished fantasy novellas, and the novel [i]Starless Space[/i]. 

- Gollet Gourd: A war trophy taken from the hut of a Gill warrior. Made from the fruit of the Gollet vine native to the gill homeworld, these exceptionally hard gourds are typically hollowed out and used to transport alcohol underwater. Gollet Gourds are so hardy that they have been found in pristine shape after being lost for years at a time. This one is about the size of a large backpack, covered in inscriptions of the Gills family history, and had been enchanted with a a weak flight spell to make it easier to carry. Currently filled with water.

- Flack Jacket: As much as Eldrid dislikes ever having been a soldier this is just a practical fallout defense. Worn under his clothing.

- Coil Pistol: Same as above, a fallback weapon in the event he runs out of energy. Practices with it every day, even if he dislikes it.

- Makeup kit: A personal item. For use in looking like a proper wizard.

[b]Short Bio:[/b] Eldrid wrote his bestseller at 12, on a dare.

The bet was simple. Eldrid had been writing for a small circle of online friends for years at that point and a discussion came up about whether "fantasy" could be accepted in this day and age. Most of them contended that wizards and interplanetary romance was too outdated in a world where aliens and magic actually existed and Eldrid strongly disagreed, arguing that the "essential essence" of such stories was timeless and universal. Things escalated until a ultimatum was given: if Eldris was so sure a book like that would be taken seriously, maybe he should write one himself. 

Eldrid was back in three months with [i]Starless Space[/i], a moving exploration of the human spirit in the face of an unfathomable doom that was also filled to the brim with fight scenes, magic, and loving descriptions of how little the characters outfits left to the imagination. At least that was what the reviews said later, after his friends urged him to send it to a publisher.

He was taken soon after the book became a best seller. Maybe they'd read the book and thought maybe he'd have a knack for the magic. It was stupid, in his opinion very little evidence to go on in regards to kidnapping someone for a magic super-soldier program. It didn't help that they turned out to be right. He took to magic like a duck to water. Took to it a little too well. While everyone else was driven to the brink of anxious nervous breakdowns from the harsh training and cruel conditions Eldrid leaned hard into the study as a coping mechanism. He would watch other kids, trying to pick out the flaws and weaknesses of their magic, and would readily discuss the principles and mechanisms of magic with any of the adults who would give him the time of day. This quickly lead to a reputation, not entirely unearned, of being a suck up, a rat, and a collaborator that he's never managed to shake even to this day. As such he was kept at arms length by any squad that he was assigned to, which may have inspired how strictly utilitarian his magic is as he was essentially operating with little to no support through most of his "career."

As opposed to this philosophy he began dressing loudly and provocatively after they were freed by the Rau've. They say you should dress for the job you want, and now that Eldrid is free he will accept nothing less that "Universe Greatest Wizard." It is to that end that he follows along to fight the Ascendancy. After all, they were never going to hand over the research that went into them willingly. Eldrid wants to know everything about what his projected limits are, so when he flies past them it will be more satisfying. 

[b]Spell List:[/b] 

- Enchantment (High): As an enchanter Eldrid can weave magic spells into mundane objects. 

- Arcane Shot (High): A silvery projectile made of pure magic fired from the middle and index finger. Stronger than any bullet it can be fired either in individual shots or a single concentrated beam.

- Flight (World): Eldrid can manipulate gravity to allow himself to fly. He tries to keep it to a normal running pace, as the faster he moves the ore energy Flight uses up. 

- Veil of Seas (World): Eldrid calls upon nearby water, pulling it up to form a curtain around him or another target. Maximizing the essence of water that allows it to "Erode" and "Refract," this curtain will erode sold bullets away and refract lasers fired at it around the person it is protecting. The amount of punishment it can sustain is dependent on the amount of water used to create the curtain. While Eldrid is present the curtain can be moved and even open up small holes to act as "gunports." He uses this spell instead of a more conventional magic shield because it cost less energy to manipulate something that already exists than to form something new, and water is common on the sort of habitual worlds he would be fighting.

Earth Soldiers (World): Eldrid calls upon the earth to create up to twelve human sized from the ground around him. Special attention is paid to the shaping of their hands, so that they might use the enemy's weapons. Earth Soldiers can can be either directly controlled by Eldrid or follow simple, one sentence commands. He uses this spell for much the same reason as Veil of Seas: no matter where you're fighting there's probably always going to be earth under your feet.

Gruel (Change): Eldrid can touch inorganic matter with his hand to change it into a grey, viscous, tasteless paste. This paste is edible, with all the necessary vitamins and mineral for a human to survive by just eating it for three meals a day. Yum yum...  

[B]Exceptional Skill List:[/b] N/a